• Dave


    Happy to have come across this plugin, which we use for a Divi site in combination with Restrict Content Pro (RCP).

    RCP can hide content based on user-role or membership-level by placing it between shortcodes. This works within text-modules, but not with other modules or for larger parts of a layout such as rows or sections.

    But with the Content Visibility for Divi Builder plugin we can now hide whatever Divi element we like in combination with RCP’s way of restricting content in template files.

    So for example we can add a boolean expression in the visibility field to only show content to members with level ID 3 OR admins:

    in_array( 3, rcp_get_customer_membership_level_ids() ) || current_user_can( 'manage_options' )

    Very handy and works really well.

    Thank you!

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