• Resolved faeryrose


    This seems to work well for Simple Products, but not for Variable Products? The option to to set a free gift product is there in the variable product edit screen, but it is not added to the cart when one of the variable products is chosen on the front end.

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  • Plugin Author icopydoc


    Thank you very much for the feedback. I will try to fix this in version 1.0.2
    I’ll let you know.

    UPD: I fixed it in v1.0.2

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by icopydoc.
    Thread Starter faeryrose


    Thank you for responding so quickly.

    Unfortunately, this is still not working for me with variation products. I have tried on 2 different sites. The option is to define a gift product is there, but it does not automatically add the gift product to the cart. If I manually add the gift product to the cart, it does show up as “free” – but I have to manually add the gift product.

    Plugin Author icopydoc


    Help me better understand the problem.
    On the example of this demo site:
    Here is the product that the user buys
    Here are its settings: https://yadi.sk/i/kKe4BV4bi6Edhw
    (I added one variation of the variational gift)

    I add the product “Album” to the cart. Everything is working:

    Thread Starter faeryrose


    On your site, the album is a “simple” product, not a “variation” product. Simple products work on my site also.

    Here is my test site – this is the variable product: https://cthulhumythos.net/shop/variation-product/

    choose an option and add to the cart.

    The Gift Product should also be added to the cart, but it’s not. BUT – if you manually add the gift product to the cart, it will be discounted to $0.00 like it’s supposed to be. Here is the gift product: https://cthulhumythos.net/shop/gift-product/

    Plugin Author icopydoc


    Now I understand you.
    I fixed it in v1.0.3

    Thread Starter faeryrose


    It is working perfectly now! Thanks again for addressing this issue so quickly!

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