• wpkiller


    A. There’s no “what’s new” for v6.1.

    B. Once installed I got a critical error and the site wouldn’t load. At least I could still load the wp-admin panel and to downgrade back to v6.0.1 and the site came back.

    Please fix ASAP!

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  • zetoun17


    to help the devs, here is the critical error message :
    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class “MailjetWp\MailjetPlugin\Front\Mailjet” not found in /wp-content/plugins/mailjet-for-wordpress/src/front/MailjetPublic.php:84

    Thread Starter wpkiller


    I see there’s a new version, 6.1.1, but still there no “What’s new” since 6.0.1.

    Why can’t we know what was changed and what to expected? Moreover, was the critical error issue fixed?!

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