• Hello! I really enjoy this plugin but I am experience a few PHP notices, noticed a few possible errors, and have some suggestions on how the user experience could be improved. I’m running PHP7, WP 4.9.6, latest version of this plugin. Hopefully the below helps!

    Admin -> Booking Ultra -> Settings -> Business Hours

    Whenever the page loads and displays.

    Notice: Undefined variable: row in /plugins/booking-ultra-pro/classes/bookingultra.service.php on line 3548

    This one happens and repeats a ton. The error is straight-forward in that $row isn’t defined anywhere in the method definition. I wouldn’t be able to say what that needs to be though.

    Admin -> Booking Ultra -> Settings -> General

    Upon saving the data it spits out the notice at the top of the page.

    Notice: Undefined index: reset_email_template in /plugins/booking-ultra-pro/classes/bookingultra.admin.php on line 2021
    Notice: Undefined index: reset_email_template in /plugins/booking-ultra-pro/classes/bookingultra.admin.php on line 2025

    This one is also fairly straight-forward in that reset_email_template just isn’t in the posted values when the conditional checks against it. A simple solution of this could be passing it and checking against the empty() function which checks if it’s both isset and empty. The only caveat is if you’re expecting 0 at any point.

    When attempting to add a service without first adding some categories, the screen will submit and clear all fields but will neither add the service or let the user know that they need to add categories first.

    I’m not sure if this one is intentional but the Premium Features! tab in the Admin Panel is white text on white background. Looks like it’s been overridden by an ! important background color supplied by /booking-ultra-pro/admin/css/admin.css line 15.

    On the front-end user facing side while checking for staff availability. If there’s no availability it might be helpful for the users to see a message letting them know that there are no available slots for this staff member.

    If you have any questions at all regarding the above feel free to let me know!

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