• Hi

    I am using the xml-rpc interface and trying to use it to upload an image to my blog.

    I use the following code:

    $username = "username";
        $password = "password";
        $rpcurl = "http://myblog.com/xmlrpc.php";
        $image = fopen("file.jpg","r");
        $file = fread($image,filesize("file.jpg"));
        $filetype = "image/jpeg";
        $filename = "testimage.jpg";
    $result = wpUploadFileXMLRPC($blogid,$rpcurl,$username,$password,$filename, $filetype, $file);
    function wpUploadFileXMLRPC($blogid,$rpcurl,$username,$password,$filename, $filetype, $file){
        $params = array('',$username,$password,array('name'=>$filename, 'type'=>$filetype,'bits'=>$file,'overwrite'=>true));
        $request = xmlrpc_encode_request('wp.uploadFile',$params);
        $result = makeCall($request,$rpcurl);

    I get the following response from the blog:

    <?xml version=”1.0″?>

    Yet when I go to the URL given.. all that I see is the path of the URL not an image.

    Can anyone see what’s going wrong?


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  • Did you check the file on the server to make sure it got uploaded properly? When you call http://myblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/wpid-testimage8.jpg have you looked at the HTTP headers to make sure it’s returning what it should be? Specifically checking that it is returning the right content type.

    Thread Starter derbyshire5


    Hi Joseph

    Yes, the type is wrong.. it’s just not getting the data in correctly..

    HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
    Length: 8 [image/jpeg]

    Is what it was returning, so after digging some more I realised the file data was not base64 encoded, so I changed my function to now be:

    function wpUploadFileXMLRPC($blogid,$rpcurl,$username,$password,$filename, $filetype, $file){
        xmlrpc_set_type($file, 'base64');
        $params = array('',$username,$password,array('name'=>$filename, 'type'=>$filetype,'bits'=>$file,'overwrite'=>false));
        $request =  preg_replace('/
    /', '', xmlrpc_encode_request('wp.uploadFile',$params));
        $result = makeCall($request,$rpcurl);

    And now it doesn’t work at all, no errors though.. the output from the script is:


    If i dump out the request it looks like:

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”iso-8859-1″?>
    <base64>/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEA<snip>some base64 encoded data</snip>AHYV1dXVoxv4EK3s//9k=</base64>

    Which looks fine?

    Any pointers most welcome 🙂

    Here’s what my test looked like:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>

    I am a general physician and a beginer,currently i am using a blog from http://www.weblog.com. I need to use flickr to upload my pics on my blog. But whenever i try, i receieve following message:
    “The username and password you entered were not valid”
    Would you please tell me what mistake i am making?


    drjawwadkhan –

    You’ll need to contact support for the product you are using, this forum is for WordPress users.

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