Hi there,
Yes, you can use blog list template on other pages also
For do this first you can create a page and then
go to dashboard > setting > reading
in front page display section select A static page (select below) and
then select Posts page (select the Page )
please check this screenshot https://snag.gy/tOx1da.jpg
Let me know if it helps.
Best Regards
Hi Harshvardhan,
I tried that. The new page then displayed the blog posts as per the blog template but the old blog page stopped displaying the blog. Not quite what I was after.
Thanks for your response. And for creating this theme which we like very much.
Hey there,
Thanks for writing back.
please let us know on which page the blog was showing and share exact url.
So i can check and advice better
Best Regards,
Hi Harshvardhan,
At the moment the site is on my own laptop so not easy to give you access. I’m moving it online shortly (next week) and will let you know once it is accessible.
Hello @gpatters,
Thanks for contacting us.
Once your website is online then please let me know so I can check and help.
Have a nice day!
Best Regards,