Plugin Support
Hi @hiddenpearls, this appears to be related to something custom or external to EDD. EDD, by default, does not display a password. If the customer registers and needs to set a password, they are sent a link via email to reset their password.
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No, I was using plugin for auto register the user when a customer checkout. A user is also registers with a user/pass.
But now, User/Pass is all blank on registration.
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This filter edd_auto_register_email_body is not working anymore.
If you are using the latest version of EDD then the Auto Register functionality has been added to the core EDD plugin.
You can manage the user registration email on the new Downloads > Email interface.
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@misulicus I got it now but the problem is … I can’t use filters any more …
I want to send the auto generated password at the time of user registration. This is our challenge.
Hi there!
It does seem that there is a bug in the last version where a filter is not correct.
See the issue here and the code change that you can make on your site and then use the right filter edd_user_registration_email_message
to edit the contents of the message.
We will have that fixed in the next EDD release.
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Alright that’s great.
Do you think the password will be part of the email body after this filter edd_user_registration_email_message update?
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