I guess you want to display the list of people that have already signed up for the event on the single event page.
You can use the #_ATTENDEESLIST placeholder. This would go in the single event page format section in settings. Check out this post to see how to change the single event page format: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/some-odd-features-showing-on-my-event-page/
Here’s documentation on placeholders: https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/placeholders/
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I think I was not clear about what I am looking for so let me try again.
I am setting up a website for an academy. They offer courses to the member agencies of the academy. No money needs to be exchanged online.
Each agency has one login that is allowed to sign up multiple people for courses at various times in the year.
So I just need an ability on the event sign up page for the user to list the names of the people that are taking the course not showing other members who is signed up.
Hopefully that is more clear?
Yes, I now understand what you’re trying to do. This is not a built-in feature. The feature could be added by a WordPress developer.
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The above link seems to be the function but based on the screen shot its the older version of the plugin, I cant seem to find an option for attendee form
That documentation is referring to the Forms Editor which is only available in the Pro version of the plugin.
Customizing booking forms is a “Pro” feature.
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@joneiseman you are correct I just noticed the top of the page says Events Manger Pro, I sent the devs a message to make sure it works for my use case but it is certainly worth the money.
Thanks for your help its much appreciated.