• Resolved FAKTOR VIER


    Looks like there (still) is a bug for images that are edited in the WP backend and then regenerated with this plugin. For example, if you rotate an image and then regenerate the thumbnails, then the source image is resetted back to the original image instead of the rotated image.

    There are the steps to reproduce the problem:

    1. Upload an image normally to the wp media library
    2. open the uploaded image attachment edit page
    3. Click on the “Edit image” button underneath the image
    4. Rotate the image, so you can see a difference to the original
    5. Save the edit and then save the whole attachment
    6. You see that the source image and the thumbnails are now correctly roated
    7. Press the “Regenerate thumbnails” button and regenerate the images
    8. Go back to the attachment edit page
    9. Now you can see, that the previously correctly rotated image is resetted back to the original, unrotated image

    We’ve tried that on different installations, even installations without any other plugins, and its still the same behaviour.

    I hope you can reproduce the problem and provide a fix soon

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  • Plugin Support adamewww



    I tested this a few times with both JPGs and PNGs and it’s retaining the rotation I applied to the images unfortunately. I think I followed your steps pretty closely. I’m actually a bit surprised that it worked, considering it’s going back to the original to regenerate those images, but I guess the original is what is being changed so maybe not surprising.

    I’m assuming you are using the built-in WordPress editor, yes? Is the image getting an edit string appended to it (-e######)?

    Thread Starter FAKTOR VIER


    Hi @adamewww

    Thanks for the quick reply. Looks like the problem is with the image itself. If I try other images, there are no problems…

    I think we can mark this as resolved, I’ll have to find out why exactly this image is resetted every time..

    Plugin Support adamewww


    Hey Faktor Vier,

    I wanted to follow up on this as Shane was looking into something and saw what you saw! He has a fix for it in the latest release!

    Thank you for bringing it our attention!

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