• Resolved jviseur


    We would like to give branch admins the ability to download user data needed to process and post club magazines etc.  How can we circumnavigate this limitation of needing “Only users who are able to create users can export them.”?

    We have a total of 8 branch clubs and each branch club has an individual that is Branch Admin.  We would like to have a Branch Admin the ability to download member data.   I have attempted to give the role access to create users but that made no difference.

    Is there a hook available to allow Branch Admins to extract user data?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Javier Carazo


    There is a filter to be able to modify this behaviour

    apply_filters( 'acui_capability', 'create_users' ) 

    For basic security reasons, any user who does not have the ability to create users should not be able to import them, which is to create them, nor export them, which is to obtain all their data, even their password, even if it is hashed.

    Use extreme caution when using this filter.

    Thread Starter jviseur


    Thank you for the information. The input parameters: are $string, $string, $array. The first parameter is the returned parameter and are you able to provide what the other two input parameters are likely to contain? and what the output parameter format is.

    Also this is only to apply to 7 members

    Thread Starter jviseur


    I found this is in another post (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/allow-other-roles-as-well-as-admin-to-use-this-tool/)

    add_filter( ‘acui_capability’, function( $capability ){ return ‘XXXXXX’; } );

    Change the XXXXX for the capability you want. I changed xxxxx to create_users but it didn’t work for a branch Admin user but did work for Administrator user. If I tick the permission ‘create_users’ in the Branch Admin role then it does work.

    Plugin Author Javier Carazo



    I would have to see on your site, debugging directly in the code, what is going on.

    It is not something I can solve from this support forum because indeed, a priori, the solution would be the one you indicate and if it does not work I would have to see it.

    Thread Starter jviseur



    I will create an account for you to use

    Plugin Author Javier Carazo


    Sorry you can’t do it.

    In this forum we can’t provide personal support.

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