• Resolved inndesign


    This plugin works very well, however with the current WordPress version 4.7.3, any links in a comment also echos again as italicized and in gray. Worded differently, every URL added in a comment is duplicated due to this plugin being resident. The code requires some PHP edits to remedy. Question now lingers, is Stephen Cronin still supporting this aging and not updated for a long time plugin? It is a great moderators addition, but it does need some tweaking.

Viewing 13 replies - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
  • Plugin Author Stephen Cronin


    Hi Inndesign,

    Sorry for the delay in responding – as mentioned in my email, I’ve been travelling and couldn’t look at this until now.

    I’ve tested Show Parent Comments with WordPress 4.7.3 and this is what I see: https://cloudup.com/cHqsADRyplZ

    It does show links in the extract of parent comment. The extract IS italicized and grey. Is that what you mean?

    If so, that’s expected behaviour. In fact, it is the point of the plugin: to show the first line of the parent comment (including links) in a blockquote, so you can very quickly see which comment the current comment is in response to.

    Or do you mean it’s doing that on the front end too? If so, that’s not happening for me. It all looks normal as can be seen here: https://cloudup.com/cLhW7UhwNJB

    Can you please give me some more details on what’s happening for you (and ideally show a screenshot)? Also, which theme are you using? And are you using any other plugins related to comments (as there may be a conflict going on). Thanks!


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Stephen Cronin.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Stephen Cronin. Reason: Changed image to remove email address!
    Thread Starter inndesign


    Thanks Stephen,

    No problem on the delay, where I realize you were at the Pressnomics conference on the tail of Wordcamp, thus my Tweet 🙂 With the plugin active, all URL’s included in a post echo with grayed italic text, rather not moderated or moderated. http://tinypic.com/r/24zlyro/9 The URL’s do not echo with the plugin inactive. The membership blog is using latest Karma theme. The two plugs related to comments include: “Send email only on Reply to My Comment” version 1.0.6 and “Simple Comment Editing” version 2.1.5 which are the latest versions. The balance of plugins are moderate, albeit typical.

    I could create a temporary login if that would assist with debugging, but would need a method to share the login securely. I try to avoid the “disable all plugins” and then reactive them one at a time where Magic Members and Simple:Press are extremely sensitive, and sometimes do not restore accurately after being disabled.


    Plugin Author Stephen Cronin


    Hi Steven,

    Thanks for the extra info. I still can’t make it happen, even with that theme and those two plugins active. I’ve tried lots of different things but none of it causes the problem.

    It is almost certainly a conflict with another plugin (or some functions.php code), but it’s going to be hard to track down.

    Let’s hold off on the temporary login for the moment, as that’s the last resort and something I don’t like doing!

    I’d like to see what other plugins etc are touching the comment text as that is the most likely source of the problem. I’ll create a little plugin for you which will list those – I’ll email you that within the next day (hopefully sooner).

    Hopefully that will provide the clue we need. If not, it’s going to be tough!


    Thread Starter inndesign


    Okay… Here is the list of active plugins currently installed:

    Add Admin CSS Version 1.4
    Admin Management Xtended Version 2.4.1
    Advanced Database Cleaner Version 2.0.1
    Akismet Anti-Spam Version 3.3
    Comet Cache Pro Version 170220
    CSS3 Lightbox Version 1.1.2
    Duplicate Post Version 3.2
    Fast Secure Contact Form Version 4.0.50
    List category posts Version 0.72
    Magic Members Version 1.8.62
    My Category Order Version 4.3
    PDF & Print by BestWebSoft Version 1.9.3
    Post Types Order Version 1.9.3
    Really Simple SSL Version 2.5.11
    Recent Posts Widget Extended Version
    Search Everything Version 8.1.9
    Send email only on Reply to My Comment Version 1.0.6
    Show Parent Comment Version 0.2.1
    Simple Comment Editing Version 2.1.5
    Simple:Press Version 5.7.4
    Slimstat Analytics Version 4.6.4
    TinyMCE Advanced Version 4.4.3
    Twitter Facebook Social Share Version 2.4.3
    WP Mail From II Version 1.1
    WP Post Navigation Version 1.2.3
    WP to Twitter Version 3.2.17
    WP User Avatar Version 2.0.8
    WP-PostRatings Version 1.84.1

    And the entire content of the child theme function.php file:

    /* --------------------------------- */
    /* Custom functions                  */
    /* --------------------------------- */
    //insert custom functions here
    // Fix IE problem 
    add_filter( 'rpwe_markup', 'ptr_rpwe_markup');
    function ptr_rpwe_markup($html) {
    	return str_replace("rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix", "", $html);
    add_shortcode('gift_register', 'ptr_gift_register');
    function ptr_gift_register($args) {
    	wp_enqueue_script('mgm-nicedit', MGM_ASSETS_URL . 'js/nicedit/nicedit.js');
    	$use_default_links = false;
    	// if( !is_user_logged_in() )	{
    		// return '<p class="message_blue karma_notify">You must <a href="'.site_url('/login/').'">login</a> to Give a Gift Subscription!</p>';
    	// }
    	// get system
    	$system_obj = mgm_get_class('system');
    	// hide flag
    	$hide_custom_fields = $system_obj->get_setting('hide_custom_fields');
    	// init
    	$cf_show_fields = array();
    	// default_register_fields
    	$register_fields = mgm_get_config('default_register_fields',array());
    	// get active custom fields on register
    	$cf_register_page = mgm_get_class('member_custom_fields')->get_fields_where(array('display'=>array('on_register'=>true)));
    	//issue #1573
    	$membership_args_fields =  "";
    	if(isset($args['membership']) && !empty($args['membership'])){
    		$show_fields_arr = array();
    		// membership
    		$membership = $args['membership'];
    		// get active custom fields on register
    		$cf_register_by_membership_types = mgm_get_class('member_custom_fields')->get_fields_where(array('attributes'=>array('register_by_membership_types'=>true)));
    			foreach ($cf_register_by_membership_types as $cf_register_by_membership_type) {
    				$membership_types_string = (isset($cf_register_by_membership_type['attributes']['register_membership_types_field_alias']))?$cf_register_by_membership_type['attributes']['register_membership_types_field_alias']:null;
    				if (preg_match('/\b' . $membership . '\b/', $membership_types_string) && $membership_types_string !=null) {
    		//filter if any empty values found check
    		$show_fields_arr = array_filter($show_fields_arr);
    		if(!empty($show_fields_arr)) {
    			$membership_args_fields = implode(',',$show_fields_arr);
    	// # 740
    	// Show fields in short code to filter the registration form #Issue 740
    	$args_fields  = '';
    	if ((isset($args['show_fields']) && !empty($args['show_fields'])) || (isset($membership_args_fields) && !empty($membership_args_fields))) {
    		$package  = (isset($args['package'])) ? $args['package'] : null;
    		$args_fields  = (isset($args['show_fields'])) ? $args['show_fields'] : $membership_args_fields;
    	   if (!empty($args_fields)) {
    	   		$cf_register_page = mgm_show_fields_result($args_fields, $cf_register_page, $package);
    	// error_html
    	$error_html = '';
    	// save-------------------------------------------------
    	if ( isset($_POST['method']) && $_POST['method'] == 'create_user' ) {
    		// check security before processing form
    		if ( !wp_verify_nonce(mgm_post_var('_mgmnonce_user_register'), 'user_register') )
    		// load wp lib for register
    		if ( mgm_compare_wp_version('3.1', '<') ){// only before 3.1
    			require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/registration.php');
    		// process hooked registers i.e. facebook connect
    		// init
    		$user_login = $user_email = '';
    		// loop to check
    		foreach($register_fields as $cfield=>$wfield){
    			// set custom
    				// set from custom
    				${$wfield['name']} = $_POST['mgm_register_field'][$cfield];
    			}else if(isset($_POST[$wfield['name']])){
    			// default field
    				${$wfield['name']} = $_POST[$wfield['name']];
    			// else
    				${$wfield['name']} = '';
    		// user login
    		if(empty($user_login)) $user_login = mgm_generate_user_login($user_email);
    		//issue #1573
    		if(!isset($args['show_fields']) && isset($args['membership'])) {
    			$args['show_fields'] = $_REQUEST['show_fields'];
    		// get error
    		$errors = mgm_register_new_user($user_login, $user_email, (isset($args['show_fields']) ? $args['show_fields'] : NULL));
    		// no error
    		if ( ! is_wp_error($errors) ) {
    			// get redirect
    			$redirect = mgm_get_custom_url('login', $use_default_links, array('checkemail' => 'registered'));
    			// check default
    			$redirect_to = !empty( $_POST['redirect_to'] ) ? $_POST['redirect_to'] : $redirect;
    			// redirect
    			wp_safe_redirect( $redirect_to );
    			// exit
    		// errors
    		$error_html = mgm_set_errors($errors, true);
    	}// end save-----------------------------------------------
    	// issue#: 532
    	$form_action = (isset($args['package']) || isset($args['membership'])) ? get_permalink() : mgm_get_custom_url('register');
    	// package code:
    	if($package = mgm_request_var('package', '', true)) {
    		$form_action = add_query_arg(array('package' => $package), $form_action);
    	// membership code:
    	if($membership = mgm_request_var('membership', '', true)) {
    		$form_action = add_query_arg(array('membership' => $membership), $form_action);
    	// wordpress register
    	$wordpres_form = mgm_check_wordpress_login();
    	// 	get row row template
    	$form_row_template = $system_obj->get_template('register_form_row_template');
    	// get template row filter, mgm_register_form_row_template for custom, mgm_register_form_row_template_wordpress for wordpress
    	$form_row_template = apply_filters('mgm_register_form_row_template'.($wordpres_form ? '_wordpress': ''), $form_row_template);
    	// form_fields_config
    	$form_fields_config = array('wordpres_form'=>(bool)$wordpres_form,'form_row_template'=>$form_row_template,
    	// get mgm_form_fields generator
    	$form_fields = new mgm_form_fields($form_fields_config);
    	// default
    	$form_html = '';
    	// register & purchase, purchase options
    	if( isset($_GET['show_purchase_options']) && isset($_GET['post_id']) ){
    	// set
    		$form_html .= apply_filters('mgm_guest_purchase_register_form_pre_register_html', mgm_get_post_purchase_options((int) strip_tags($_GET['post_id']), 'pre_register'));
    	// register & purchase, add post id
    	if( isset($_GET['post_id']) && (int)$_GET['post_id']>0){
    	// set
    		$form_html .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="post_id" value="%d">', (int)strip_tags($_GET['post_id']));
    	//register & purchase postpack
    	if( isset($_GET['postpack_id']) && (int)$_GET['postpack_id']>0 &&  isset($_GET['postpack_post_id']) && (int)$_GET['postpack_post_id']>0){
    		// set
    		// $form_html .= mgm_get_postpack_template($_GET['postpack_id'],false,$_GET['postpack_post_id'],'pre_register');
    		$form_html .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="postpack_id" value="%d">', (int) strip_tags($_GET['postpack_id']));
    		$form_html .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="postpack_post_id" value="%d">', (int) strip_tags($_GET['postpack_post_id']));
    	// mgm_pr($register_fields);
    	// loop default register fields, create each if they are not defined in custom fields
    	foreach($register_fields as $cfield=>$wfield){
    		// set not found
    		$captured = false;
    		// first check if in custom fields
    		foreach($cf_register_page as $rfield){
    			// if default register field  == custom register field, skip
    			if($rfield['name'] == $cfield){
    				// skip custom fields by settings call
    				if(($hide_custom_fields == 'Y') || ($hide_custom_fields == 'W' && $wordpres_form) || ($hide_custom_fields == 'C' && !$wordpres_form)){
    				// if($hide_custom_fields && $cfield['name'] != 'subscription_options') continue;
    					if(!in_array($field['name'], array('subscription_options','payment_gateways'))) continue;
    				// set found
    				$captured = true;
    				// do nothing
    			// skip username if setting enabled @todo
    			if($cfield == 'username' && bool_from_yn($system_obj->get_setting('enable_email_as_username'))){
    				// set found
    				$captured = true; break;
    		// not found
    			// create element
    			$form_html .= str_replace(array('[user_field_wrapper]','[user_field_label]','[user_field_element]'),array($wfield['name'],mgm_stripslashes_deep($wfield['label']),$form_fields->get_field_element($wfield,'mgm_register_field')),$form_row_template);
    	// register custom fields, this will be called via register_form hook
    	// $form_html .= mgm_wp_register_form_additional($form_fields, $args, true);
    	// register button text
    	$register_button_text = apply_filters('mgm_register_button_text', $system_obj->get_setting('register_text', __('Register','mgm')) );
    	// buttons
    	$buttons = array(sprintf('<input class="button mgm-register-button" type="submit" name="wp-submit" id="wp-submit" value="%s" tabindex="100" />', $register_button_text));
    	// apply filters
    	$buttons_s = implode( apply_filters('mgm_register_form_buttons_sep', ' &nbsp; '), apply_filters('mgm_register_form_buttons', $buttons));
    	// append
    	$buttons_html = sprintf('<div class="register-page-buttons">%s</div>', $buttons_s);
    	// nonce
    	$nonce = wp_nonce_field('user_register', '_mgmnonce_user_register', true, false);
    	// this will not work in page shortcde as this does not return form html but directly outputs it
    	// do_action('register_form');
    	// set to globals to be used by "register_form" action hook
    	$GLOBALS['form_fields'] = $form_fields;
    	// Display Gift subscription
    	$custom_sub = '';
    	$packs_obj = mgm_get_class('subscription_packs');
    	$pack = $packs_obj->get(end(explode('#', $args['package'])));
    	$mm_field = new mgm_form_fields();
    	$subs_enc = mgm_encode_package($pack);
    	$opt_id = 'mgm_' . $pack['membership_type'] . $pack['id'];
    	$options = $selected = '';
    	$checked = ' checked="checked"';
    	$dispaly_as_selectbox = false;
    	$pack_desc =  mgm_stripslashes_deep($packs_obj->get_pack_desc($pack));
    	$pack_duration =  $packs_obj->get_pack_duration($pack);
    	$mm_field->_get_field_subscription_options_html($subs_enc, $opt_id, $selected, $checked, $pack, $dispaly_as_selectbox, $pack_desc, $options, $custom_sub);
    	$giver_email = $giver_first_name = $giver_last_name = '';
    	if(isset($_POST['is_gift'])) {
    		$giver_first_name	= $_POST['giver_first_name'];
    		$giver_last_name	= $_POST['giver_last_name'];
    		$giver_email		= $_POST['giver_email'];
    	} else {
    		if( is_user_logged_in() )	{
    			global $current_user;
    			$giver_first_name = $current_user->user_firstname;
    			$giver_last_name = $current_user->user_lastname;
    			$giver_email = $current_user->user_email;
    	// attach custom fields via default hook
    	$form_html .= apply_filters('mgm_register_form', $form_html);
    	$form_html = str_replace(sprintf('<p style="color:red"><b>%s</b></p>',__('No subscription options available','mgm')), "", $form_html);
    	$form_html = str_replace('<label>' . __('Subscription Options','mgm') . '</label>', "", $form_html);
    	$form_html = '<input type="hidden" name="is_gift" value="1" />' . 
    				'<div class="giver_first_name_box"><label>Donor First Name</label><div><input type="text" name="giver_first_name" id="giver_first_name" class="mgm_register_field required" value="'.esc_attr($giver_first_name).'"></div></div>' . 
    				'<div class="giver_last_name_box"><label>Donor Last Name</label><div><input type="text" name="giver_last_name" id="giver_last_name" class="mgm_register_field required" value="'.esc_attr($giver_last_name).'"></div></div>' . 
    				'<div class="giver_email_box"><label>Donor Email</label><div><input type="text" name="giver_email" id="giver_email" class="mgm_register_field required" value="'.esc_attr($giver_email).'"></div></div>' . 
    				'<div class="subscription_options_box"><label>' . __('Subscription Options','mgm') . '</label><div>'.$custom_sub.'</div></div>' . 
    				'<br /><h4>' . __('Gift Recipient Information', 'mgm') . '</h4>' . 
    	// output form
    	$html = '<div class="mgm_register_form">
    				' . $error_html . '
    				<form class="mgm_form" name="registerform" id="registerform"  action="' . $form_action . '" method="post">
    				   ' . $form_html . $buttons_html . $nonce . '
    					<input type="hidden" name="method" value="create_user">
    					<input type="hidden" name="show_fields" value="'.$args_fields.'">
    	// attach scripts,
    	$html .= mgm_attach_scripts(true);
    	// scripts & styles --------------------
    	$script = "";
    	//issue #1125
    	$script .= "jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    					var c ='coupon';
    					if(jQuery('.coupon_box input').attr('name') == 'mgm_register_field') {
    	 					jQuery('.coupon_box input').attr('name', 'mgm_register_field['+c+']');
    	// script
    	$script = sprintf( '<script type="text/javascript">%s</script>', apply_filters('mgm_register_form_inline_script', $script) );
    	// scripts
    	$html .= apply_filters('mgm_register_form_scripts', $script);
    	// style
    	$style = '.register-page-links, .register-page-buttons{margin-top:10px; clear:both}';
    	// style
    	$style = sprintf('<style type="text/css">%s</style>', apply_filters('mgm_register_form_inline_style', $style ));
    	// style
    	$html .= apply_filters('mgm_register_form_styles', $style);
    	// apply filter and return
    	return apply_filters('mgm_register_form_html', $html);
    add_action( 'user_register', 'ptr_user_register', 10, 1 );
    function ptr_user_register( $user_id ) {
    	if(isset($_POST['is_gift']) && $_POST['is_gift'] == 1) {
    		$meta = array(
    			'giver_first_name' => '',
    			'giver_last_name' => '',
    			'giver_email' => ''
    		foreach($meta as $k=>$v) {
    			if ( isset( $_POST[$k] ) ) {
    				$meta[$k] = $_POST[$k];
    		update_user_meta($user_id, 'gift_subscription', $meta);
    add_action('mgm_subscription_purchase_payment_success', 'ptr_subscription_purchase_payment_success');
    function ptr_subscription_purchase_payment_success($args) {
    	// array('user_id' => $user_id, 'transaction_id'=>$transaction_id)
    	$user_id = $args['user_id'];
    	$gift = get_user_meta($user_id, 'gift_subscription', true);
    	$paid = get_user_meta($user_id, 'gift_paid', true);
    	if($paid == 1) { // paid second time by recevier
    		delete_user_meta($user_id, 'gift_paid');
    	} else if($gift) { // paid first time by gift giver
    		// get user
    		$user = new WP_User($user_id);	
    		// mgm member
    		$member = mgm_get_member($user_id);
    		// user data
    		$user_login = stripslashes($user->user_login);
    		$user_email = stripslashes($user->user_email);  
    		// subject
    		$subject = sprintf("Gift subscription at %s", get_option('blogname'));
    		// message
    		$message = sprintf("%s %s has just paid for you a one year membership to Bart Ehrman’s “The Bart Ehrman Blog: The History & Literature of Early Christianity.”
    <br /><br />
    You may login at any time using your login credentials, to enjoy the immense storehouse of content Bart has developed for members. <a href='".site_url('/login/')."'>CLICK HERE</a>.
    <br /><br />
    Don’t forget to thank %s by email: %s! Enjoy!
    <br /><br />
    Bart D. Ehrman<br />
    ".get_option('blogname').".<br />
    <a href='".site_url('/')."'>".site_url('/')."</a><br />",
    $gift['giver_first_name'], $gift['giver_last_name'], $gift['giver_first_name'], $gift['giver_email']);
    		// send
    		@mgm_mail($user_email, $subject, $message); 
    		// flat
    		update_user_meta($user_id, 'gift_paid', 1);
    		delete_user_meta($user_id, 'gift_subscription');
    add_filter('mgm_registration_email_template', '__mgm_registration_email_template', 10, 2);
    function __mgm_registration_email_template($template, $user_id){
    	$gift = get_user_meta($user_id, 'gift_subscription', true);
    	if($gift) {
    		$template['message'] = str_replace("Your new account has been created!", "A gift account has been created for you!", $template['message']);
    	return $template;
    add_filter( 'wp_mail', '__wp_mail' );
    function __wp_mail( $args ) {
    	$subject = get_option('blogname')." Payment Receipt";
    	if($args['subject'] == $subject) {
    		$user = get_user_by( 'email', $args['to'] );
    		if($user) {
    			$gift = get_user_meta($user_id, 'gift_subscription', true);
    			if($gift) {
    				$args['to'] = $gift['giver_email'];
    	return $args;
    // Update display_name to first name
    // ptr_update_display_name();
    function ptr_update_display_name() {
    	$users = get_users();
    	foreach($users as $u) {
    		$dn = empty($u->user_firstname) ? $u->user_login : $u->user_firstname;
    		wp_update_user( array( 'ID' => $u->ID, 'display_name' => $dn ) );
    // Add custom css
    function ptr_wp_head() {
    	echo '<style type="text/css">input[value="'.__('Show subscribed package','mgm').'"] {display:none;}</style>';
    function ptr_admin_head() {
    	echo '<style type="text/css">
    	#wpadminbar li#wp-admin-bar-my-account {white-space:nowrap;padding-right:25px;}
    	#wpadminbar li#wp-admin-bar-my-account a:before{content:\'\'}
    	#wpadminbar li#wp-admin-bar-my-account img{margin-right:10px;}
    // Capture plugin activatio error messages
    function fpt_save_error($tmp_plugin)
      $out_txt  = PHP_EOL.date("Y/m/d H:i").' Plugin activation: '.$tmp_plugin.' ---messages--->'.PHP_EOL;
      $out_txt .= ob_get_contents();
      $out_txt .= PHP_EOL.'<---- end plugin activation ---'.PHP_EOL;
      file_put_contents(ABSPATH. 'wp-content/uploads/plugin_activation.log', $out_txt, FILE_APPEND);
    /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Do not touch code below this line - sky may fall      */
    /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
    //@since 4.0.1, codes for compatibility with Better WordPress Minify Plugin
    function karma_bwm_style() {
    	wp_enqueue_style( 'karma-style', get_stylesheet_uri() );
    //Checks for activated Better WordPress Minify Plugin, before adding action.
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'karma_bwm_style' );

    Hope that helps!


    Plugin Author Stephen Cronin


    Hi Steven,

    Thanks, I’ll see if that helps me work out what’s conflicting with this plugin. There’s nothing that is obviously touching comments in the functions.php code, but I’ll look more closely.

    As for the debug plugin I promised, it seems 4.7 introduced some changes which means my old debug code doesn’t work properly (it won’t show the file name for filters added in a class rather than a function). I spent some time trying to make it work again, but no luck yet and no time left, so let’s go ahead and get what we can (it will still get us some good information).

    Rather than a plugin (I can create one if you prefer), can you please add the code in this gist to the bottom of functions.php (within the PHP tags). Once this is done, please visit the Comments page in the WP admin (or on the Edit Post screen) and it should add some extra info at the bottom of the page, similar to in this screenshot: https://cloudup.com/c-9jKXX2sAi

    That will show us exactly which functions are altering the comment text and should make it quicker to track down where the conflict is happening. If you could copy and paste that and send it to me that would be great. If you don’t want to post it here, you can email me at sjc at scratch99.com.

    Once you’ve copied the results, please remove that code from functions.php Thanks.


    Thread Starter inndesign


    Okay, here are the results:

    Show Parent Comment Debug Info

    add_action( ‘comment_text’, ‘make_clickable’, ‘9’, ‘1’); Function defined in: /home/bartblog/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php
    add_action( ‘comment_text’, ‘wp_kses_post’, ’10’, ‘1’); Function defined in: /home/bartblog/public_html/wp-includes/kses.php
    add_action( ‘comment_text’, ‘convert_smilies’, ’20’, ‘1’); Function defined in: /home/bartblog/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php
    add_action( ‘comment_text’, ‘force_balance_tags’, ’25’, ‘1’); Function defined in: /home/bartblog/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php
    add_action( ‘comment_text’, ‘wpautop’, ’30’, ‘1’); Function defined in: /home/bartblog/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php
    add_action( ‘comment_text’, ‘capital_P_dangit’, ’31’, ‘1’); Function defined in: /home/bartblog/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php


    add_action( ‘get_comment_text’, ‘spc_show_parent_comment’, ’10’, ‘2’); Function defined in: /home/bartblog/public_html/wp-content/plugins/show-parent-comment/show-parent-comment.php

    Plugin Author Stephen Cronin


    Hmm, well that doesn’t help at all! (but thanks for doing it). The only things using those filters are WordPress core functions and my plugin…

    Okay, I will do some more manual digging with the list of plugins you gave me and if that doesn’t work, then we may have to fall back to a temporary login… I’ll get back to you in a day or so.

    Plugin Author Stephen Cronin


    Hi Steven,

    Just to let you know that I haven’t forgotten this, but I have been delayed in getting to it (Easter and some day job stuff). Hoping to get back to it shortly.


    Thread Starter inndesign



    To possibly assist further, below is a Firebug copy and paste of repeated URL in HTML mode. The first URL is a functioning link while the second is non-functioning, grayed as seen in previous screen capture.

    <a href="http://www.smontagu.org/blog/?p=259" rel="nofollow">http://www.smontagu.org/blog/?p=259</a>

    In inspector mode, what appears after the second URL is: “::after” which echos the URL. See link: https://postimg.org/image/kofncq5fv/

    Plugin Author Stephen Cronin


    Hi Steven,

    Sorry for the long long delay. Things got a little busy and I didn’t get back to this. If you’re still interested in solving this:

    I’ve had a good look through all the information you’ve provided and tried to replicate it with many of the plugins you’ve listed apart (any which seem like they may be involved somehow).

    The only way I can make it happen is by adding CSS similar to the following using the Add Admin CSS plugin:

    .comment p a:after{content: "\A" attr(href); font-size:0.9em; color:#CCC; white-space: pre; }

    That will give an affect very similar to what you’ve shown me. Can you please go into Appearance > Admin CSS and see if there is any CSS similar to this in there?

    If it’s not that, then I’m at a bit of a loss. The problem is almost certainly coming from some CSS similar to the rule above, but I don’t know where that rule would be defined. It’s definitely not coming from Show Parent Comment though – this plugin is just outputting content in a way that is somehow triggering that existing CSS.

    The pattern of outputting the URL after the link is normally used when printing things, as the URL can’t normally be seen once printed (in this case you can because the anchor text is also the URL, but normally it would be keywords). Maybe you have a browser extension that does that? Although it wouldn’t make sense for it to fire there. But it might be worth trying it in a different browser.

    I did check out the PDF & Print plugin because it operates in the space where it might make sense for it to do that, but I couldn’t make it do it. It also had the ability to add some CSS, but that only appears on the front end, not in the admin area as far as I can tell. But it might be worth going to BWS Panel > PDF & Print and checking the Custom Code tab.


    Sorry again for the delay on this.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by bdbrown.
    Thread Starter inndesign


    Hello. No, .comment edits in the CSS. The Karma theme is a bit out of date, but this problem predicated the theme version advancing. I don’t know how to provide you login credentials discreetly less gaining your email? Thanks for taking time to follow-up! Steven

    @inndesign – Please do not discuss/request/post information regarding remote access to your site on these forums.

    @stephencronin – I’ve deleted your offer to access your user’s site. I am 100% sure you mean well but please never ask for credentials on these forums.


    Now for the why: The internet is a wonderful place full of very nice people and a few very bad ones. I’m sure everyone here is very nice however, by giving someone the keys to your house, you are trusting they won’t steal anything. Likewise, the person who takes the keys is now responsible for the house FOREVER. If something was to go wrong then you, the author, may well become legally liable for damages.

    These forums need to remain a safe place for all users. That ranges from experienced users and developers to someone posting for the first time here. Accessing a user’s site is a step too far. Thanks for your cooperation.

    Plugin Author Stephen Cronin


    Hi Steven,

    Given that we resolved this via email, I’m going to go ahead and mark this as resolved. Thanks!


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