• I have installed and run 5 blogs in Arabic, English, French, German and Italian. The domain of the English blog is http://www.giarreblog.com, the others are xx.giarreblog.com where xx is ar, fr, de and it. The domains point to different directories like wpen, wpfr, etc.
    The links that are generated by WordPress (i.e., preceding article, categories, etc.) differ from one blog to the other. In the English blog, the links are to http://www.giarreblog.com, in the Italian blog to it.giarreblog.com, in the French blog instead the link is to http://www.giarre.com/wpfr! It works because it points to the same directory but it is bad for indexing.
    Any idea where/how I can fix this?

    Tia, Albert

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