Hello Pedro,
I suppose it’s another plugin or your theme which is doing this.
Here on the right side you can see the working samples :
To check at your website: disable 1 by 1 the existing plugins and check the page.
By every check use [ctrl] + [f5] to refresh the page and cache.
Regards, Danny
Hi Danny,
Thanks for your answer.
I am using (at the same time: Post Tags and Categories for Pages plugin.
• A question: your plugin uses the same taxonomy (WordPress) used in Posts?
• Can I use, so: Post Tags and Categories for Pages plugin – or not?
Thanks Danny & keep going with your useful work.
Hi Pedro,
. WP taxonomy= category , My taxonomy = categories
. I don’t know what this plugin does, so disable it and test again.
Regards, Danny
Hi Pedro,
Let me know or this works for you?
Regards, Danny
Dear Danny I wrote an e-mail, I am afraid, you did not received that e-mail.
Anyway here you are:
Dear Danny,
I found the same problem in your site, not kidding.
In your page: https://wud-plugins.com/contact-us/
In the sidebar, item in Category List:
short code: [ wudcatlist ]
Category List
Page Categories
My Shop (1)
WUD Manuals (4)
WUD Plugins (4)
• These three items are pointing to the same Url (https://wud-plugins.com/contact-us/)
short code: [ wudcatdrop ]
Category Drop List
Page Categories
(Drop list)
The same three items are pointing to real non-identical urls.
(1) https://wud-plugins.com/categories/my-shop/
(2) https://wud-plugins.com/categories/wud-manuals/
(3) https://wud-plugins.com/categories/wud-plugins/
This is the same problem with I began my conversation with you.
Hello Pedro,
Thanks for this extra and clear info!
I will check where this is going wrong and let you know the results.
Regards, Danny
Hello Pedro,
This is solved in the new release.
= 2.3.7 =
* Solved: URL does not match in menu.
Regards, Danny
Hey Danny,
Thank you for your work!
Marry Christmas…
Hi Pedro,
Your welcome!
If you have some extra time for me … give me some stars here 🙂
Merry Christmas !
Regards, Danny