• Is it possible to update the disable_woowaitlist_subscription meta field using the WooCommerce REST API?

    I’ve appended &filter[meta]=true to the GET product request and the following field name is returned:

    “product_meta”: {
    “disable_woowaitlist_subscription”: “”,

    disable_woowaitlist_subscription is a checkbox installed by the “WooWaitlist WooCommerce Back In Stock Notifier” plugin. Manually enabling this checkbox will return a value of “on” in the GET request.

    I’ve tried variations of the following request without any success. e.g. I’ve tried “on”, “yes”, true, “true” etc

    POST /shop/test/wc-api/v3/products/bulk?consumer_key=xxx&consumer_secret=xxx&filter[meta]=true

    “products” : [{
    “id” : 35966,
    “product_meta” : {

    Any guidance will be much appreciated.

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