• Moderator Bet Hannon


    Several times, in different sites, over the last few days, every time I have saved a change to a user account (added a capability, changed their role, etc.) I have apparently unintentionally triggered a change to the password as well, even though I have not clicked on the button for generating a password.

    For one test user account, I saved a change, had to reset the password, then after a second change to the user profile, that new password was no longer correct.

    Is this potentially a bug in the new password generation feature? Or more likely to be some plugin conflict?

    I am running WordFence with “force strong passwords for all users” checked.

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  • Moderator Bet Hannon


    Also, apparently, saving the chagnes to a user profile, seems to log out the currently logged in user (me as an admin user) and logs in the user whose profile was just edited. This is weird!

    Moderator Bet Hannon


    Maybe this could be a Chrome issue?

    Moderator Bet Hannon


    Huh… Now I can’t replicate this. Oh well. If anyone has insights about what might have been happening, I’m curious, but otherwise, I’ll just let it go.

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