Can you please provide the shortcode that you are using?
OK, I have found the problem. When the setting for ‘Standardize CX References’ is disabled, then the script uses the reference provided instead of formatting the reference from the returned passage. When using a random verse shortcode, there is no reference that is passed to return without formatting the reference from the returned passage. In other words, the plugin is trying to display a user given reference that was never provided by the user. I will be releasing an update to correct this issue within 24 hours.
In the mean time, to bypass the error enable ‘Standardize CX References’ in AMD Settings.
Thanks my brother in Christ. I was wondering if I would get a response since mine has been the first post in this thread. Not only did you reply, you replied reeeeeealy fast. 🙂
I enabled ‘Standardize CX references’ and it worked as a work around.
I should tell you how this actually came about. I uploaded a plugin and activated it which then locked up WP with a fatal error. This was with a plugin but I couldn’t get to admin page. So, I went into ‘File Manager” on Cpanel and renamed the plugins folder to ‘plugins_deactivate’ and then moved a plugin one at a time back into the newly created ‘plugins’ folder and then activated it. For some reason (was it the default value?) the Standardize CX references was disabled or unchecked when I activated ‘AMD-Bible’. Again, thanks for responding so quickly.
Yes, the default value should have this activated (checked). I will tell you that instead of moving plugins back and forth you can disable all plugins if you have access to the MySQL database.
Please see update 3.1.4 to resolve this issue. Thank you again for using my plugin and for the kind review.
Anthony Master