• Resolved slhctech


    Reading through the error log for our web site I came across this –

    PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0 – assumed ‘CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sites/slhc.org.uk/public_html/jon_p/wp-content/plugins/wp-asset-clean-up/classes/Settings.php on line 707

    Searching the forums suggests that this has already been answere by the plugin developer but I can’t find it in his list of answers

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  • Plugin Author Gabe Livan


    @slhctech a patch has been applied to the development version (read more here: https://assetcleanup.com/docs/?p=350) which you can use it until the next tag will be released. Sorry about that!

    I know it’s frustrating to see error logs adding up. Note that the error is harmless and it doesn’t affect your visitors. It’s for checking if your website supports the HTTP/2 protocol, but you can also do this using the following tool: https://tools.keycdn.com/http2-test – this is for you to consider if you still want to use the combine CSS/JS feature.

    Thread Starter slhctech


    Thanks for the speedy response. I’ve installed the development version and tested for HTTP/2 and apparently our site does support it.

    Plugin Author Gabe Livan


    @slhctech the error is for a missing constant that was added after cURL (a well-known library included in PHP) 7.33.0. It’s very likely you’re using an older version. If you update to the latest tag that was just released (, you shouldn’t get this PHP warning (Use of undefined constant CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0) anymore because verification was added to determine if the constant exists or not. Before, it was just called (assuming the cURL version is the latest, which wasn’t ideal).

    Thread Starter slhctech


    Thank Gabe, I’ve just updated to the latest version. No error messages showing.

    Thread Starter slhctech


    Hi, I am pleased to report that GTMatrix now gives my home page 100% for speed and 92% for YSlow (that’s because I’m not using a CDN). However I’ve still got a small problem with PageSpeed Insights. Under the heading “Eliminate render-blocking resources” it is showing this page – https://rivergippingtrust.org.uk/wp-content/cache/wpo-minify/1597866483/assets/wpo-minify-header-divi-style.min.css – with 108k transfer size and a potential saving of 1380ms.

    In the Asset CleanUp settings those type of files ( .min.css) are excluded by default which presumably means it is already minified. Because I’m using the Divi theme, that CSS file is probably the largest in the system. Is there anything I can do to improve PageSpeed Insights?


    Plugin Author Gabe Livan


    @slhctech please start a new topic with the same content as I want to keep things organized 😉 This topic related to the CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0 constant has been already marked as solved (we can still talk about it here if there are any more issues with it).

    Thread Starter slhctech


    My apologies. I’ve started a new topic. As far as I can tell this particular one has now been solved, thanks.

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