• Resolved pippo50


    With the plugin active, I cannot arrange the position of the images in a page gallery.
    Disabling the plugin solves the problem.
    Any hints?

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  • Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your report. I regret the trouble you are having with image arrancgement.

    I just ran a quick test on my system using the WordPress/Gutenberg “Gallery” block, and I was able to drag and drop images to re-arrange them in both the Create Gallery and Edit Gallery popup windows.

    When you write “Media Gallery” and “page gallery“, are you referring to the same Gallery block I tested? If not, can you be more specific about the steps you follow to cause the problem? Thanks for any additional details you can provide.

    Thread Starter pippo50


    in a post (a page) with a gallery I click on the camera icon (Add media): an “Add media” pop up window opens. I then select “Uploaded to this page” from the dropwodn on the left. A series of images appears in small boxes. Here is where I usually dragged them around but to do so now I have to disable the plugin.
    Hope this helps.

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your update with the additional details. I want to make sure I have correctly reproduced the issue you reported.

    You wrote “I click on the camera icon (Add media)“. As far as I know the “Add Media” camera icon only appears if you are using the Classic Editor plugin (replacing Gutenberg) or have created a “Classic” block in the Gutenberg editor. The “Classic” block will also appear in Gutenberg if you edit an old post/page that doesn’t use blocks. Can you confirm that you are using the Classic Editor plugin or editing a Classic block in Gutenberg?

    You wrote “with a gallery“. In the “Classic” environment this means you have a [gallery] shortcode in the post/page content. You can see this if you click the “Text” tab in the editor. In the “Visual” tab the shortcode is replaced by a display of the images in the gallery. Is this “the gallery” you are seeing? If you click within the gallery display you will see a pencil icon at the top center. Clicking this icon will pop up the “Edit gallery” window. With MLA active I am able to drag and drop images there without any problem. Does this work for you?

    If you simply click the “Add Media” camera icon the “Add media” window will pop up. This window allows you to insert one image in the body of the post. You must click the “Create gallery” action on the left to select multiple images for a [gallery] shortcode. Are you using the “Create gallery” action?

    Now, to your point, with MLA disabled you can drag and drop images on the “Create gallery” window. With MLA active, this does not work. Is this the problem you encountered? I will do my best to fix this MLA defect.

    I did discover, though, that the order of images in the window does not determine the order of images in the gallery. In this window, the order in which you click on the images to select them is all that matters. You can see this in the very small images following the “items selected” label at the bottom of the window.

    Thanks for reading through these details; I want to make sure I am working to fix the problem you have reported. As I noted above, the only problem I’ve found is in creating a new gallery in the “Classic” environment. The “Edit Gallery” window is working fine and may help you work around your problem.

    You can also avoid the problem without completely disabling MLA. Simply uncheck the “Enable Media Manager Enhancements” and “Enable Media Grid Enhancements” boxes in the “Media Manager/Media Grid Enhancements” section of the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save Changes” to save the new settings.

    Let me know if that helps. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

    Thread Starter pippo50


    I use a gallery plugin (Justified Image Grid) with a shortcode inserted into a page. (I believe it is in the “Classic” environment).
    Unfortunately I cannot link images here to better explain.
    Anyway: I disabled the “Enable Media Manager Enhancements” setting you mentioned and I am able to move images around again.

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your update with the additional information. Justified Image Grid is an excellent plugin with good MLA support.

    I have uploaded a new MLA Development Version dated 20220228 that corrects the defect you reported. You can find step-by-step instructions for using the Development Version in this earlier topic:

    PHP Warning on media upload with Polylang

    Once the Development Version is installed you can re=enable the Media Manager Enhancements and re-test the ability to rearrange images in the “Uploaded to this post” popup window.

    This fix will be part of my next MLA version, but in the interim it would be great if you could install the Development Version and let me know if it works for you. Thanks for alerting me to this MLA defect.

    Thread Starter pippo50


    With the new version everything is working, thank you!

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    I have released MLA version 3.00, which contains the fixes required for this topic.

    I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have any problems or further questions regarding MLA’s support for rearranging images. Thanks for alerting me to this MLA defect.

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