It looks like since the 2;.4 update I’m no longer able to import a table to replace an existing one;. There is just a blank area in that section where there used to be the select file button;. Is this an issue anyone else has had? Is there another way to replace a table?
I’m not aware of any other reports about an issue like that with TablePress 2.4. My guess therefore is that this is some sort of JavaScript problem. It could also be the case that one of the JavaScript files simply was not copied properly when updating. As a first idea, could you therefore please try re-installing TablePress from a fresh download? (Just deactivate and delete TablePress on the “Plugins” screen of your WordPress admin dashboard and install it again. Your tables will of course be kept during this process.)
Thank for your response. I deactivated and uninstalled the plugin, then reinstalled it but am still having the same issue. Any other things I can try? Thanks
Can you then please check the error log console in the browser’s developer tools for any hints and error messages? (You can access this via the browser’s menu.)