Unable to connect to Analytics
I have installed Site Kit and successfully linked and set up Console, Tag Manager and PageSpeed Insights but for some reason, Analytics will not complete the set-up. The set-up appears to run but never finishes by that I mean I see a green line moving across the page but it does not ever stop.
Having tried several times including disconnecting analytics and attempting to reinstall I now get this message:
“Error: Your Google account does not have sufficient permissions for this Analytics account, so you won’t be able to see stats from it on the Site Kit dashboard. This service was originally connected by an administrator — you can contact them for more information.” As I am logged in as the administrator this is ridiculous.
If anyone can suggest a solution I would appreciate the help
Hi there @adrian33000,
Thanks for reaching out. It sounds like Analytics was set up previously, and what may have occurred if it’s your own WordPress administrator account mentioned, is the connected Google account used to initially set up Site Kit differs from the Google account currently connected.
This can happen if you set up Site Kit with one account and then connect another module using a different account. In this scenario, Site Kit switches to the latest Google account, meaning it’s possible to encounter such errors. Users should use the same Google account to set up Site Kit and also to connect the various modules within the plugin.
In order to determine more on this, and provide you with the most suitable troubleshooting suggestions, please share the following:
- Did you try to disconnect the Analytics module and connect once more (Site Kit > Settings > Analytics > Edit > Disconnect Analytics from Site Kit)?
- Do you recall when setting up Site Kit whether you uses the same Google account to then connect other services, such as Analytics, AdSense or Tag Manager?
Let me know if you have any questions with the above. We have more information on this specific error on the plugin website.
Hi James
Many thanks for your reply. In reply to your questions:
- Yes, I have tried this. It retained the connections to Console, Site Speed and Tag Manager but still refused to connect to Analytics giving the same error message. I have, of course, checked that the Account, Property and Web Data Stream show the correct details relative to the new GA4 account that was set up for this site.
- The Google account was one specifically set up for this site by the website owner. I am working for him to implement and set up his Analytics and Tags. I had asked if there had been a previous Analytics account and was told there had not been. I did look at the code for the site home page to confirm this and could not see any GA or GA4 scripts so assumed there had never been an account set up.
However, on further investigation, I have found a GA4 tag on a related page to the site. The site I am dealing with is https://raceahdra.com/ they also have Shop Page, https://ahdra.ecwid.com/ which is not included as an ECWID plugin to the main WP site but I now wonder if that tag, even though not configured, was obtained from a GA4 account for raceahdra.com that has not been activated anywhere but is now causing the error. We are trying to find who set this up but the question now is that if we cannot find the “owner” of the account how can we set up a new analytics account that will instal and work?
Suggestions welcome
AdrianHi Adrian,
If the permissions error remains within Analytics, then you can disconnect the Analytics module and connect once more, to an account which your Google account does have access to. Unfortunately if you don’t have access to the currently connected Google account, you will not be able to select that account.
When you mention you tried this already (directly above), the same error should not appear, as this error only appears if Analytics is already connected. If this is not the case, please provide a recording of what happens after you disconnect Analytics and connect once more. You can use a service such as Loom or RecordIt to share a screen recording, while using the same form previously used to share this privately.
The other option you have, is to get access to the currently connected Google Analytics property. Unfortunately this needs to be actioned by someone who does have access to it. If you are working with the website owner, you can guide them to this article, so they are aware how to grant access to the connected Google Analytics account. Give them the currently connected property ID, and give them your own Google email which you used to set up Site Kit.
Let me know if you have any questions with the above.
Hello James
I have completed that form and made a Loom video so you can see what is happening. I have even reset Site Kit and tried from scratch and as you will see in this video despite it saying that it needs to be set up it does appear to be recording data on the site dashboard but not on Google Analytics via GA website. On Analytics there is nothing appearing so it seems that Site Kit is failing to set this up on the Google Analytics site despite recording data on the WP Dashboard.
I did try disabling all plugins apart from Site Kit in case there was a plugin conflict but that made no difference. I don’t really think the problem is the account verification as it seems to me that if that was the case neither the Console nor Tag would be enabled.
Incidentally, when needing to sign in to Google in order to set up the plugin after I used the reset option it told me that there were 8 services already set up and when I looked to see what those were (as there should not be that many) it told me that Analytics was one of these? This is what makes me think that the “Your Google account does not have sufficient permissions” error notice is itself an error as it appears that Google thinks analytics has been set up.
Hope this all helps
AdrianHi Adrian,
Many thanks for sharing the additional information, very useful to see what’s occurring. What I can’t be certain at this point of the cause, I did perform some checks on your site. I can see there is a Tag Manager snippet placed, however, the Tag Manager container selected had not been published (see this screenshot). While this may not be the cause, given I didn’t notice any Analytics tag, can you visit your Tag Manager account and ensure your container is published (GTM-W2***5F)? What could potentially be happening is you have an Analytics tag added to that container, but as it’s not published it may be impacting Analytics detection and setup. I’ll need to perform some testing in various scenarios to see if this is the case.
Note also that one alternative way to check this is to disconnect the Tag Manager module within Site Kit and then see can you complete Analytics set up. If you need help performing this let me know.
This gets even more confusing! The Tag you refer to GTM-W2***5F is not that recorded on the GA account for this website.
When I look at “Your Google tag” what I see is Tag Ids G-EJTR7***5S and GT-K52***4
When I check Installation Instructions I get “This tag has never been detected. See installation instructions for how to install it on your website.” If I click the link it takes me to the page where it describes how I can use Site Kit to install the Tag and confirms that the plugin has been discovered.
There is no reference to the Tag you mention anywhere that I can see so I am a little curious as to where you found it.
I also not that in the GA instructions it says:
“To configure Site Kit with a G- tag, Site Kit must first be configured with Google Analytics.” but when following the instructions in Site Kit it actually says that “An associated Universal Analytics property will also be created.” which seems a bit contradictory to me?Sorry, I also meant to mention that when I reset the plugin it did actually remove the Tag Manager and I had to reinstall it. Which it did without a problem so in effect I have already tried to install analytics with the Tag Manager not installed.
Correction to previous I have just realized that the Tag you refer to GTM-W2***5F is that included in the script uploaded for the Tag but why that is different to the “Your Google tag” that I see which is Tag Ids G-EJTR7***5S and GT-K52***24 I have no idea. I am wondering if there is Analytics on the shop site, which I assume is a sub-domain to the main site, as there is an unconfigured Tag on that site and maybe that has used the raceahdra name and is causing confusion. Just a guess as I do not have access to that site currently.
Hi @adrian33000,
Thanks for the update. See some notes below based on your comments:
There is no reference to the Tag you mention anywhere that I can see so I am a little curious as to where you found it.
The Google Tag manager ID I referenced remains on your site. See this recording. You’ll see if it you check your sites source code, and you’ll notice it also if using the tagassistant.google.com service. It’s placed twice in fact, once via Site Kit and once manually, which isn’t ideal.
Correction to previous I have just realized that the Tag you refer to GTM-W2***5F is that included in the script uploaded for the Tag but why that is different to the “Your Google tag” that I see which is Tag Ids G-EJTR7***5S and GT-K52***24 I have no idea
These are not Google Tag Manager accounts, there are Google Analytics 4 and Google tag IDs.
In order to resolve this further, and ensure you can set up Site Kit with Analytics, can you please remove the non Site Kit placed Google Tag Manager snippet from your site, and publish the container? After doing so please attempt Site Kit set up once more. I’m unsure how you added Tag Manager however it has been placed on your site (as per this screenshot) both manually and via Site Kit.
I have removed the Google Tag Manager snippet manually inserted and I then used the Site Kit reset option. I have tried to setup Analytics again but am still seeing the Green Line flying across the page after more than 30 minutes so clearly it is unable to do this. I know if I hit cancel and try again the first response will be that I have exceeded some limit and once that clears after an hour or so I will get the original error message where we came in.
Clearly Site Kit has problems that it is unable to determine. Maybe Bard can help?
Just as a matter if interest I am about to add the Tag manager back as reset removes it. When logging in to Google I am told “the following “Site Kit has this access” and the following list appears:
Site Kit has this access
You can always remove any access in your Google Account.
See and download your Google Analytics data
View your Google Tag Manager container and its subcomponents
View and manage Search Console data for your verified sites
Associate you with your personal info on Google
Manage the list of sites and domains you control
See your personal info, including any personal info you’ve made publicly available
See your primary Google Account email address
As you will see Analytics appears here even though it is not setup.
Thanks for the update @adrian33000. I checked your site now and I can confirm no Tag Manager snippet appears.
I have tried to setup Analytics again but am still seeing the Green Line flying across the page after more than 30 minutes so clearly it is unable to do this.
This to be indicates there is a block of some type at host level. Before we try a manual Analytics snippet insertion (which Site Kit can use as opposed to the plugin inserting an Analytics snippet), let’s first of all rule of third party plugins impacting setup. In order to do so, please follow the steps below:
- Login to your live site from a Chrome browser incognito window.
- Install and activate the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin.
- Navigate to “Plugins > Health Check & Troubleshooting > Troubleshoot”.
- From the same screen click on the “Available Plugins” tab at the top right and then click on the “Enable” option next to “Site Kit by Google“.
- Attempt to setup Site Kit once more (with Analytics)
Clearly Site Kit has problems that it is unable to determine. Maybe Bard can help?
Hopefully the steps above may allow you to proceed, but if not don’t worry. We’ll try a manual snippet placement!
As you will see Analytics appears here even though it is not setup.
These are permissions required to set up Tag Manager. It’s not specific to Analytics, although I agree the messaging can cause confusion.
Let me know if you have any questions with the above.
Hi James
I did mention previously that I had considered the possibility of a Plugin conflict so had disabled all plugins, other than Site Kit, and tried a clean (after a reset) installation with exactly the same result. So repeating that exercise will be a waste of time. That was done prior to my adding the Tag Manager code manually so the current removal does not change anything.
I did also add the snippet manually and retried to configure Site Kit. It found the code and told me it was already on the page and that it should not really be duplicated. I realized that and tried to add it again with Site Kit on the basis that if it did connect correctly I would simply remove the manually added snippet. Unfortunately I received the same error about permissions so that did not work either.
I am seeing stats when opening the Site Kit dashboard but these are coming from Console although how console is getting analytics data when analytics is apparently not functioning is another oddity!
Thanks for providing an update. That’s good that you already checked for a plugin conflict. Based on this, and the fact that Tag Manager is no longer on your site (with a possible Analytics tag previously resulting in the permissions notice) would it be possible for you to perform another check with a manually placed Analytics snippet? As long as you use an Analytics property ID that is part of the Google account you’re using to set up Site Kit with, you shouldn’t encounter any permissions notice. Free feel to share a recording of this, as you did previously. If anything unusual occurs, I can check this with the team. To summarize, here are the steps:
- Manually insert a Google Analytics snippet
- Using the same Google account where you got the snippet from, attempt Site Kit set up, from a Chrome browser incognito window
- Connect the Analytics module within Site Kit. It doesn’t matter if you do decide to allow Site Kit to also place the snippet, as you can change this configuration afterwards, or remove the manually inserted snippet
Let me know if you have any questions with the above. The difference with this check from your previous check is you currently have no Tag Manager snippets placed, and you’re performing this check with a manually placed snippet.
OK I have done this and submitted a video. You will see the same result as previously reported. I have left the Analytics manual code on the site so you can see this but I have not added the Tag as yet. The tag always gets removed when I do a reset but console and speed metrics remain in place.
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