Have you resolved your issue?
You appear to be missing this step:

Thank you for the reply. I am currently using this link in the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs:
… but that very easily could be wrong. Can you tell me what’s supposed to go there?
@beckyblalock87 It seems correct URL , You can get exact value from setting page of your plugin. Please copy from there.
Detailed document for app is available here
Yes, that is where I got the link from. I’ll take a look at the linked documentation and see if I can find the issue. Thanks!
I have exactly the same problem for kaoshealth.club.
I took the link from the plugin page and followed all steps necessary within the FB app to authorize the link.
When I want to authorize, it tells me
“URL blockiert: Diese Weiterleitung ist fehlgeschlagen, da die URI zur Weiterleitung in den Client oAuth-Einstellungen der App nicht auf die Whitelist gesetzt wurde. Stelle sicher, dass Client- und Web OAuth-Login aktiviert sind und füge alle deine App-Domäns als gültige OAuth-Weiterleitungs-URIs hinzu.”
It sounds like you’re getting the same error message. I have put this project on the back burner, but I’ll dig into it again today and see if I can find any steps that I may be missing in the documentation. I’ll keep you posted. If anyone else wants to chime in and help us out, PLEASE DO!
Please make sure below things.
– Your site has HTTPS
– OAuth Redirect URL copied from plugin setting
– Site URL is correct
– FB app is in-development mode and not live
If still issue let us know.