• Resolved mpeltier


    I am using WP-Matomo 1.0.26 and I get errors in the js console when I use the “Add tracking code” combobox:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: jQUery is not defined
    onchange https://www.domain.org/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wp-piwik/classes/WP_Piwik.php:1

    It seems that there are typos (jQUery -> jQuery) in the WP_Piwik/Admin/Settings.php file ?

    # grep -r jQUer wp-content/
    wp-content/plugins/wp-piwik/classes/WP_Piwik/Admin/Settings.php: ), $description, ‘jQuery(\’tr.wp-piwik-track-option\’).addClass(\’hidden\’); jQUery(\’tr.wp-piwik-track-option-\’ + jQUery(\’#track_mode\’).val()).removeClass(\’hidden\’); jQUery(\’#tracking_code, #noscript_code\’).prop(\’readonly\’, jQUery(\’#track_mode\’).val() != \’manually\’);’ );
    wp-content/plugins/wp-piwik/classes/WP_Piwik/Admin/Settings.php: echo ‘<span class=”dashicons dashicons-editor-help” onclick=”jQUery(\’#add_post_annotations-desc\’).toggleClass(\’hidden\’);”></span> <p class=”description hidden” id=”add_post_annotations-desc”>’ . sprintf ( __ ( ‘See %sMatomo documentation%s.’, ‘wp-piwik’ ), ‘‘, ‘‘ ) . ‘</p></td></tr>’;

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by mpeltier.
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