• Resolved dominmax


    When I go to Analytics > VARIATIONS and when I set more than 3-5 days (different dates react differently) – data loading… and everything (in the section) disappears but h1 Variations.
    The last day report working and e.g. 3 last days but more days is not possible to report.
    (I updated everything, I turned off all plugins but woocommerce but nothing has changed.)

    In the console there is such a bug reported:

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined
        at v (analytics-report-variations.js?ver=2.1.5:1)
        at D (analytics-report-variations.js?ver=2.1.5:1)
        at analytics-report-variations.js?ver=2.1.5:1
        at c (lodash.min.js?ver=4.17.19:10)
        at vf (lodash.min.js?ver=4.17.19:84)
        at r.value (analytics-report-variations.js?ver=2.1.5:1)
        at X (0.js?ver=2.1.5:1)
        at A (0.js?ver=2.1.5:1)
        at we (react-dom.min.js?ver=16.13.1:84)
        at He (react-dom.min.js?ver=16.13.1:97)
    Me @ react-dom.min.js?ver=16.13.1:125
    analytics-report.js?ver=2.1.5:1 TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined
        at v (analytics-report-variations.js?ver=2.1.5:1)
        at D (analytics-report-variations.js?ver=2.1.5:1)
        at analytics-report-variations.js?ver=2.1.5:1
        at c (lodash.min.js?ver=4.17.19:10)
        at vf (lodash.min.js?ver=4.17.19:84)
        at r.value (analytics-report-variations.js?ver=2.1.5:1)
        at X (0.js?ver=2.1.5:1)
        at A (0.js?ver=2.1.5:1)
        at we (react-dom.min.js?ver=16.13.1:84)
        at He (react-dom.min.js?ver=16.13.1:97)
    The status system is:
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    ### Inactive Plugins (33) ###
    Add-on Contact Form 7 - Mailpoet 3: przez Tikweb – 1.3.16
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    Safe SVG: przez Daryll Doyle – 1.9.9
    Sales Report for WooCommerce: przez BeRocket – 3.5.4
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    DavidAnderson – 1.16.53
    Widget Shortcode: przez Hassan Derakhshandeh – 0.3.5
    WooCommerce Active Payments: przez WP Desk – 3.5.3
    WooCommerce Admin: przez WooCommerce – 2.2.1
    WooCommerce Multi Currency Premium: przez VillaTheme – 2.1.11
    WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches Premium: przez VillaTheme –
    WooCommerce Przelewy24 Payment Gateway: przez DialCom24 Sp. z o.o. – 1.0.8
    YITH WooCommerce Wishlist: przez YITH – 3.0.21
    Yoast Duplicate Post: przez Enrico Battocchi & Team Yoast – 4.1.1
    Yoast SEO: przez Team Yoast – 15.9.2
    ### Must Use Plugins (1) ###
    installatron_hide_status_test.php: przez  –
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    API Enabled: –
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    Zamówienie: #150 - /zamowienie/
    Moje konto: #151 - /moje-konto/
    Regulamin: #152 - /regulamin/
    ### Theme ###
    Name: Flatsome Child
    Version: 3.0
    Author URL: 
    Child Theme: ✔
    Parent Theme Name: Flatsome
    Parent Theme Version: 3.13.1
    Parent Theme Author URL: http://www.uxthemes.com/
    WooCommerce Support: ✔
    ### Templates ###
    Overrides: flatsome/woocommerce/archive-product.php
    ### Action Scheduler ###
    Zrealizowane: 154
    Oldest: 2021-03-22 15:54:34 +0000
    Newest: 2021-04-22 15:02:02 +0000
    ### Status report information ###
    Generated at: 2021-04-22 16:03:20 +01:00

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Plugin Support Jess – a11n


    Hi @dominmax,

    Thanks for reaching out to us on this issue, and for providing details about the error you are seeing in your console.

    Could you please let us know if any of your product variations have “Any [attribute]” as shown here?

    Link to image: https://d.pr/i/O7iybV

    If so, we currently have a small bug in Analytics with regard to displaying reports for these types of variations. You can see more information and follow the progress on that here: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/issues/6722

    Please let us know what you find!

    Thread Starter dominmax


    Hi @jlundie,
    Thank you for your reply.
    I think we are closer to the truth 😉

    I’ve checked twice and every variation has size and color defined.
    BUT I’ve found something interesting. Analyzing all datas day by day (trying on the Variation report) I’ve noticed that the Variation screen disapperas e.g. on April,16. So I checked the orders of the day and found that in one of the orders – there is a missing product.
    The product was removed by accident and added later again. But this was enough for creating the bug I guess.
    On the product list of the order – there is no ID of the Variation:

    It can be also the missing information for creating the report, maybe?

    By the way – how to repair the missing ID in the order? Can I overwrite the correct product (the new one), edit or complete missing ID in a database record? Or should I recover the old product from database backup?
    Even when the product is removed it should not have an effect on the report, right?

    Best regards,

    Plugin Support Doug – a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi Dominik!

    So sorry we missed your reply here! I’ve reached out to the team to ask for their thoughts on this one!


    Plugin Support Doug – a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi again @dominmax

    The product was removed by accident and added later again.

    Can you confirm if the product was Trashed and then moved out of the trash, or was it completely remade?

    When discussing this, the developers said

    The one way I can think of is to reimport the historical data. If the product/post ID is the same, that should work.

    Can you look at reimporting the historical data as this would be the only way for WooCommerce Analytics to “find” the lost product – https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-analytics/#analytics-settings__starting-imports

    Let me know how you get on!


    Thread Starter dominmax


    Hi @dougaitken
    I confirm that the product was trushed and then deleted permanently.

    When discussing this, the developers said

    The one way I can think of is to reimport the historical data. If the product/post ID is the same, that should work.

    The product ID is not the same (I compared with the backup database). After removing one product and adding the same one – it has the new ID, hasn’t it?

    Will reimporting the historical data have sense then?

    Maybe I could:
    1. create a today-backup
    2. revert backup-moth-back
    3. export products from Products > export
    4. revert today-backup
    5. import the deleted product and set it invisible?

    It wouldn’t be perfect as there would be 2 same products but maybe it would work properly without the error?


    Plugin Support Adam Heckler


    It wouldn’t be perfect as there would be 2 same products but maybe it would work properly without the error?

    That might work, but it’s hard to tell without actually trying it. If you want to test it, I’d just be sure to take a complete backup of the site beforehand to be extra safe.

    Let us know what you find out! 🙂

    Plugin Support Hannah S.L.


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this as resolved – if you have any further questions, you can start a new thread.

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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