• Resolved Hoot_Fluegelhorn


    Howdy Folks,

    4.7 sports the brand spanking new Twenty Seventeen theme. It seriously rocks !
    I can finally leave Twenty Eleven behind.

    Since the site I’m supporting for a friend is in the context of a small business, this theme definitely is recommended.

    There is always a but..

    I’m using Jetpack to display widgets in the sidebar. Whatever I try, whichever way I approach this, I cannot get the site to display the sidebar.

    Tried single and two columns presentation
    Cleared browser caches, used different browsers..
    Disabled non-standard plugins..

    All to no avail.

    Any assistance is greatly appreciated

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  • stephencottontail


    Can you post a link to your site? Also, by default, Twenty Seventeen does not display sidebar widgets on static pages, only footer widgets.

    Thread Starter Hoot_Fluegelhorn


    Hi Stephen

    Not on static pages.. well that explains it then. That’s a major bummer.
    I’m using it to present an adsense add on pages deemed suitable for it.

    Is there a way around this limitation?

    Thanks for your support,



    You could add a sidebar by editing the template files, but that would require some html, css and php.

    I would typically create a child theme with twenty seventeen as the parent and then edit page.php or single.php in the child theme. This can be a lot of work. If you are not comfortable with coding, then I would either settle on the footer or try the twenty sixteen theme.

    Hope that helps.



    I had the same question, perhaps this helps you https://wordpress.org/support/topic/twenty-seventeen-how-to-get-sidebar-on-pages/#post-8532954
    It is a “must” that you make a twentyseventeen child-theme before you make the changes.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by hansbeen.
    Thread Starter Hoot_Fluegelhorn


    Thanks for replies Guys. It is really appreciated.

    Here’s my thoughts.

    I’m not a company. I have no structure in place that would ensure continuity on my buddy’s site. He knows this of course. He holds a list of the necessary passwords required to manage the site etc.

    But from my responsibilities, this means that I should endeavour to keep the site as close to “factory default” as possible. So galavanting off and change the code would not be a good idea.

    The workaround is in Google’s adsense plugin that allows you to “pin” adds to pages that the App sees as feasible.

    Going back to previous themes is not what I’m after. The capabilities of this theme are awesome. I hope the theme’s developers build on this theme and incorporate sidebars again in new iterations of this theme.

    Hi, I was able to instantiate the sidebar on my pages (THANK YOU!!), but my problem is that on small tablets, in portrait orientation, a bit of the #primary area slides off the left part of the viewport. No amount of dickering with the CSS (yes, I’ve tried messing with the responsive settings) has solved my problem. Has anyone else encountered this issue? What was the solution?

    I’m familiar with straightforward CSS, but in twentyseventeen there is something overall about the layout that I do not understand, and which seems to override the direct styles. For example, I was only able to expand the widths of the header.entry-header and h1.entry-title areas, which are very narrow, by giving them a value exceeding 100%. It seems that the overall page layout widths and floats are also beating to an unknown drummer. Is there some jquery somewhere that I should know about?

    I just read this, gonna try it/them later:
    5 Excellent Ways to Hack the Twenty Seventeen WordPress Theme

    free child theme on githud I think..

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by EMar.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by EMar.

    I turned off the static front page and the sidebar came back – I moved what I had put there to an About page in the main menu and it looks fine.

    The other method was way too hard for me to even imagine.

    If I understand well you can use this:

    Thread Starter Hoot_Fluegelhorn


    Thanks for your contributions, gentlemen, I really appreciate it.

    @alexandre, I know the plugin, before I moved to twenty-seventeen I used twenty-eleven and custom-sidebars. Unfortunately in Twenty-Seventeen, the width of the sidebars (using the plugin) are minimal, and pretty much useless.

    @jrmigs, I’m going to look into your suggestion. If it’s that simple.. πŸ™‚

    Do you have a different experience? (I’m particularly referring to blog pages; I don’t need sidebars on static pages.)

    And gents, I lack the technical skills to go through the rigmarole of making a child, and muck about with page code. Mind, I do respect those who can, and admire the results they produce. It’s just not for me.


    @hoot_fluegelhorn If you edit the main theme’s files or add extra templates to the main theme’s folder, they will disappear the next time the theme is updated. Putting your changes into a child theme ensures you still have them if the main theme is updated.

    It is very simple to make a child theme. All you need is a new folder added to the /themes/ directory named yourthemename-child. Inside that folder you put a style.css file (all it needs is the stylesheet header) and a functions.php file with 12 lines (provided below) to connect the child theme folder to the main theme. Plus a 600×400 screenshot of your front page to identify your child theme in the Themes selector. You’re done.

    Your modifications to anything you want to modify in the main theme go inside the child theme and they will override the main theme. To do that, make a copy of the file you want to modify (for example, page.php) and put it in the -child folder. Then edit that file for your changes.

    If you want to add a new template, create it and put that file in the -child folder.
    More info: https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes

    I agree with @sleeplessindc that it’s a lot better to use a child theme to make customizations.

    Just in case anyone reading this thread aren’t able to create and maintain a child theme, I created a tiny plugin that automatically adds a page sidebar to Twenty Seventeen.

    Page Sidebar for TwentySeventeen: https://github.com/intoxstudio/twentyseventeen-page-sidebar

    Hallo Joachim: VIELEN DANK!

    Excuse my ignorance: After downloading the zip folder with your plugin, do I simply put all the files inside my child-theme? I am unable to read the README.MD file……..perhaps you explained it there?



    Joachim Jensen plugin works. Thanks
    2017 theme sidebar

    Apologies for the delayed response. I just want to let you know an updated version of Page Sidebar for Twenty Seventeen is now available from the Plugin Repository: https://wordpress.org/plugins/page-sidebar-for-twentyseventeen/

    No need to edit any theme files, just activate the plugin and it should all be handled automatically πŸ™‚

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