So, yeah, seems to be a theme conflict. I loaded YOP Poll onto a different WordPress site I run and it works fine on iPad/Safari.
So, any ideas on how to debug/diagnose what the theme conflict is and how to fix it?
More progress. It isn’t a theme conflict at all. I can get a poll to work just fine using my theme and all plugins if I don’t customize the poll. So something I did using YOP Pro when I customized the poll is making it not work…
I’ve narrowed it down to a problem with, ironically enough, the “Pretty Controls” themes only available on the Pro version. When I use any of these pretty controls themes, iPad/Safari users have an almost impossible time selecting answers. The work around is to just use a basic template for a poll.
We have the same problem with our poll for users on ipad using safari. Selecting an answer is near impossible, and deselecting seems impossible. When using Chrome there are no problems.
Has anyone got any fixes for this in Safari?
We are using Yop Poll Pro (recently updated to 6.4.9), and have a customized look on the poll.
Have you tried using a basic template for your poll to see if it works properly then?
We havent, we just assume thats an option, based on your experience. However, we don’t consider the basic template a useful alternative, as we want to display pictures in the answers. As far as I know, thats not possible.
Have you gotten it to work with images?
I haven’t tried with images. I didn’t have any luck with yop poll support, so you may be out of luck. It certainly is annoying … I had run a few polls without realizing that iPad users basically couldn’t vote.