Anonymous User 15184782
Have you tried going in the plugin and find the string where the error text?
Yes, that takes care of it momentarily, but it is not upgrade-proof.
Anonymous User 15184782
Have you tried looking for some plugin or some method that would allow you to translate a specific plugin? (In this case the plugin you are referring to you)
No, for just this one phrase it would be overkill.
At any rate, altering the code directly solved the problem for the website where I used it (although I had to disable updates for this plugin). I just wish for the author to take this change into consideration for future versions.
Anonymous User 15184782
I recommend Googling a way/plugin to translate plugin into languages other than we would like. Anyway, did you try to check in the settings of the plugin? Did you find any settings defined on your tongue?
There are no settings for this, I have looked into the code and the phrase is hardcoded.
Anonymous User 15184782
Hi @fungafly,
at this point I don’t know what to tell you, ask the creator of the plugin or to someone who knows.