• I’m using the TouchCarousel script from over at Code Canyon (the script, not the WP plugin), and it works fine on the initial load or force refresh of the page, but switching between pages, the scripting is lost somewhere in the shuffle.

    I tried using the initialization code provided by the script author in the Reload Codes section of the settings for AAPL, but it doesn’t seem to resolve the issue.

    The following is the code that implements the carousel on the first load/force refresh:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(function($) {
    	itemsPerMove: 6,
    	itemsPerPage: 1,
    	scrollbar: false,
    	scrollbarAutoHide: true,
    	scrollbarTheme: "light",
    	pagingNav: false,
    	snapToItems: true,
    	scrollToLast: true,
    	useWebkit3d: true,
    	loopItems: false
    $("#thumbscrolltop").click(function() {
    $(this).next("#carousel-gallery").slideToggle(200); });

    I tried using the same code, editing as follows:

    	itemsPerMove: 6,
    	itemsPerPage: 1,
    	scrollbar: false,
    	scrollbarAutoHide: true,
    	scrollbarTheme: "light",
    	pagingNav: false,
    	snapToItems: true,
    	scrollToLast: true,
    	useWebkit3d: true,
    	loopItems: false
    jQuery("#thumbscrolltop").click(function() {
    jQuery(this).next("#carousel-gallery").slideToggle(200); });

    I’m looking for any recommendations at this point.

    Thanks much!


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