• newpageonedotcom


    I’m currently having some trouble with my blog. Currently, when you visit my site, the most recent posts appear on the index.php page. However, when you try to access a permalink or any other page on the site, you get a 310 error, “too many redirects.” It seems that I’m caught in some sort of redirect loop and I don’t know if there’s anything I can do about it.

    My site can be found at http://www.newpageone.com and also by accessing http://www.newpageone.com/blog. In both cases you can see that index.php displayed but nothing else within the site is accessible.

    This was a problem that originally sprang up because I wanted to resolve an issue with missing blog comments. I installed phpmyadmin on my site, but made the fatal mistake of putting it into the same directory (“/blog”) as my WP installation. Oops. I believe all of those files were removed, I repaired the databases and got my comments back, but now it’s stuck in this redirect situation.

    Any ideas? Thanks.

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