• http://lamarinanyc.com/#calendar

    The calendar shortcode [ai1ec] is in a “Calendar” page.
    I’m including this page’s content in a custom homepage with:

    $page_id = 479;
    $page_data = get_page( $page_id );
    echo apply_filters('the_content', $page_data->post_content);

    Everything works fine except the top buttons to show the “Previous Year/Month” and the “Next Year/Month” do NOT fire. However, the small middle “calendar icon button” does work. Only AFTER using this middle button first and selecting a future or previous date do the other buttons start to work. So, on initial load, the main Prev/Next/Month/Year buttons do not work. After using the middle tiny calendar icon button/popup, then those buttons start working.

    Additionally, the calendar will work as intended if you go directly to the “Calendar” page: http://lamarinanyc.com/calendar/
    This page is what is being included in the custom homepage via the code above. It seems by including the Calendar page’s content in the custom homepage this is not loading a needed script? But in viewing the source code, all scripts are being included in both places.

    Any ideas, suggestions, help?

    Thanks much!

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