• I am trying to upload a bunch of pics to my blog. I generate thumbnails for each pic.

    WordPress returns the correct tag for the main image, but I have to construct the tags myself, and then edit the <img … > tag to change the name of the image to thumb-imgname.jpg.

    I’ve read through some of the discussion on this topic, but it seems to me that if a user requests thumbs, WordPress ought to come back with the full , with the correct filenames… Any reason why this is not so? Or is there a setting I’ve missed?

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  • WP works as you’ve described. You may want to search for some image plugins.

    You may call your thumbnail “thumb-imgname.jpg”, but I call mine “imgnamesm.jpg”. WordPress can’t read your mind. It does a good job of trying. There is work going on to improve the image and file uploading capabilities, but the mind-reading…well, they are still working on that part.

    Lorelle, there is nothing about “mindreading” 🙂
    WP – is asked – does create the thumbnail during upload and the file name will be thumb-yourimagename.jpg.

    I should have been more specific. How does WordPress read your mind to know that the image you are posting on your site in the Write Post section is a thumbnail or not?

    Maybe by adding another quicktag for thumbnails only, but if your thumbnails have different names and you don’t use WordPress’ file upload feature….that’s mind reading 😉

    Well, seemingly we have read a different original post 🙂
    The question – and I’d add, it’s a legitimate one – was this: when during the upload the user requests the creation of thumbnail for the uploaded image, why WP doesn’t give a code that would make easier the inclusion of the thumbnail image with a link to the original image.
    As it is now it gives the code
    <img src='http://www.mysite.com/blog/wp-content/newpicture.gif' alt='' />
    but it would be useful to have a code like:
    <a href="http://www.mysite.com/blog/wp-content/newpicture.gif"><img src='http://www.mysite.com/blog/wp-content/thumb-newpicture.gif' alt='' /></a>
    But maybe this is for the Requests section 🙂

    Maybe this post can help

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