• Hi, This plugin woks with internal Pods Templates?
    i place to my template {@repeat_field} but nothing happens.
    The fields not snowing.
    Thank you.

Viewing 12 replies - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)
  • Plugin Author Coding Panda


    Yes, it works with internal Pods Templates.

    It is an array so you have to use this template tag: [each related_field_name][/each]

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81PkhEOZYb8 at 6:25

    However, it doesn’t work with nested repeater fields. For nested repeater fields, you have to create shortcodes to use in the Pods Templates.

    Thread Starter Christos Vouzas


    Thank you for the quick answer.
    I have follow all the steps from your video and i don’t now how to show the real fields in front end (not the texts array etc).
    So, how to show the repeatable fields in front end?
    I have a custom pod (to use as repeatable) with one text field as title and one field as photo gallery.
    What code can i use?
    Thank you.

    Plugin Author Coding Panda


    If it is OK with you, would you export the related pods and post them here, together with the code of your template?

    I need the details to understand the problem better to give an answer.

    Thread Starter Christos Vouzas


    There is the exported code.

        "meta": {
            "version": "2.8.20",
            "build": 1655749740
        "pods": [
                "name": "hotel_room",
                "id": 35,
                "label": "Hotel Rooms",
                "description": "",
                "type": "pod",
                "storage": "table",
                "label_singular": "Hotel room",
                "public": "1",
                "show_ui": "1",
                "pod_index": "room_name",
                "_migrated_28": "1",
                "unique": "0",
                "ui_style": "post_type",
                "show_in_menu": "0",
                "menu_position": "0",
                "ui_actions_enabled": [
                "ui_reorder_field": "menu_order",
                "ui_fields_manage": [
                "required": "0",
                "groups": [
                        "name": "room_details",
                        "id": 36,
                        "label": "Room Details",
                        "description": "",
                        "weight": 0,
                        "roles_allowed": "administrator",
                        "fields": [
                                "name": "hotel_room_name",
                                "id": 37,
                                "label": "Room Name",
                                "description": "",
                                "weight": 0,
                                "type": "text",
                                "required": "1",
                                "sister_id": "-- Select One --",
                                "unique": "0",
                                "text_allowed_html_tags": "strong em a ul ol li b i",
                                "text_max_length": "255",
                                "roles_allowed": "administrator"
                                "name": "hotel_room_photo",
                                "id": 52,
                                "label": "Room photo",
                                "description": "",
                                "weight": 1,
                                "type": "file",
                                "sister_id": "-- Select One --",
                                "required": "0",
                                "unique": "0",
                                "file_format_type": "single",
                                "file_uploader": "attachment",
                                "file_attachment_tab": "upload",
                                "file_upload_dir": "wp",
                                "file_edit_title": "1",
                                "file_show_edit_link": "0",
                                "file_linked": "0",
                                "file_limit": "0",
                                "file_type": "images",
                                "file_field_template": "rows",
                                "file_add_button": "Add File",
                                "file_modal_title": "Attach a file",
                                "file_modal_add_button": "Add File",
                                "roles_allowed": "administrator"
                "name": "hotel",
                "id": 97,
                "label": "Hotels",
                "description": "",
                "type": "post_type",
                "storage": "table",
                "label_singular": "Hotel",
                "public": "1",
                "show_ui": "1",
                "rest_enable": "1",
                "supports_title": "1",
                "supports_editor": "1",
                "_migrated_28": "1",
                "required": "0",
                "unique": "0",
                "show_in_menu": "1",
                "capability_type": "post",
                "capability_type_extra": "1",
                "has_archive": "1",
                "has_archive_slug": "amd_hotels",
                "rewrite": "1",
                "rewrite_custom_slug": "amd_hotel",
                "default_status": "draft",
                "pfat_enable": "1",
                "pfat_single": "Hotels",
                "pfat_append_single": "prepend",
                "pfat_filter_single": "the_content",
                "pfat_archive": "Hotels",
                "pfat_append_archive": "prepend",
                "pfat_filter_archive": "the_excerpt",
                "menu_position": "0",
                "show_in_nav_menus": "1",
                "show_in_admin_bar": "1",
                "menu_name": "Hotels",
                "groups": [
                        "name": "more_fields",
                        "id": 98,
                        "label": "More Fields",
                        "description": "",
                        "weight": 0,
                        "fields": [
                                "name": "hotel_name",
                                "id": 99,
                                "label": "Hotel Name",
                                "description": "",
                                "weight": 0,
                                "type": "text",
                                "sister_id": "-- Select One --",
                                "required": "0",
                                "unique": "0",
                                "text_allowed_html_tags": "strong em a ul ol li b i",
                                "text_max_length": "255",
                                "roles_allowed": "administrator",
                                "rest_pick_response": "array",
                                "rest_pick_depth": "1",
                                "text_allow_shortcode": "0"
                                "name": "hotel_rooms",
                                "id": 100,
                                "label": "Hotel Rooms",
                                "description": "",
                                "weight": 1,
                                "type": "pandarepeaterfield",
                                "sister_id": "-- Select One --",
                                "required": "0",
                                "unique": "0",
                                "pandarepeaterfield_table": "hotel_room",
                                "pandarepeaterfield_field_width": "100",
                                "pandarepeaterfield_entry_limit": "0",
                                "pandarepeaterfield_enable_load_more": "0",
                                "pandarepeaterfield_initial_amount": "10",
                                "pandarepeaterfield_enable_trash": "0",
                                "pandarepeaterfield_order_by": "pandarf_order",
                                "pandarepeaterfield_order": "ASC",
                                "pandarepeaterfield_display_order_info": "0",
                                "pandarepeaterfield_apply_admin_columns": "0",
                                "pandarepeaterfield_allow_reassign": "0",
                                "pandarepeaterfield_public_access": "0",
                                "roles_allowed": "administrator",
                                "rest_pick_response": "array",
                                "rest_pick_depth": "1"
        "templates": [
                "name": "Hotels",
                "code": "{@hotel_name}\r\n{@hotel_rooms}",
                "id": 43,
                "_edit_last": "1",
                "_edit_lock": "1655749278:1",
                "pod_reference": {
                    "pod": "hotels"
    Plugin Author Coding Panda


    OK. Please add this code to your template

    [each hotel_rooms]
    <img src="[get_image_src id='{@hotel_room_photo}' size='large']"/>

    Add the following to your functions.php

    add_shortcode( 'get_image_src', 'get_image_src' );
    function get_image_src( $attrs ){
    	$attrs = shortcode_atts( array(
    		'id' => 0,		
    		'size' => 'large'
    	), $attrs );
    	$img_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attrs['id'], $attrs['size'] );
    	if( ! empty( $img_src ) ){
    		return $img_src[0];
    	return '';

    Hope they make sense to you.

    Thread Starter Christos Vouzas


    You are life saver. It works great.
    Thank you very much.
    One more thing place (the last one). If i want to change the photo to photo galley to add more than one photo?
    What changes must make to the code?
    Thank you.

    Thread Starter Christos Vouzas


    “meta”: {
    “version”: “2.8.20”,
    “build”: 1655815538
    “pods”: [
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    “id”: 35,
    “label”: “Hotel Rooms”,
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    “type”: “file”,
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    “id”: 99,
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    “templates”: [
    “name”: “Hotels”,
    “code”: “<h1>{@hotel_name}<\/h1>\r\n\r\n[each hotel_rooms]\r\n<h2>{@hotel_room_name}<\/h2>\t\r\n<p>{@room_details}<\/p>\r\n\r\n[\/each]”,
    “id”: 43,
    “_edit_last”: “1”,
    “_edit_lock”: “1655815390:1”,
    “pod_reference”: {
    “pod”: “hotel_room”

    Plugin Author Coding Panda


    Hi @cvouzas

    The code can’t be processed.

    Would you please wrap your code by using the CODE button?

    Thread Starter Christos Vouzas


    “meta”: {
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    “fields”: [
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    “id”: 99,
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    “name”: “hotel_rooms”,
    “id”: 100,
    “label”: “Hotel Rooms”,
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    “type”: “pandarepeaterfield”,
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    “rest_pick_response”: “array”,
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    “templates”: [
    “name”: “Hotels”,
    “code”: “<h1>{@hotel_name}<\/h1>\r\n\r\n[each hotel_rooms]\r\n<h2>{@hotel_room_name}<\/h2>\t\r\n<p>{@room_details}<\/p>\r\n<img src=\”[get_image_src id='{@hotel_room_photo}’ size=’medium’]\”\/>\r\n[\/each]”,
    “id”: 43,
    “_edit_last”: “1”,
    “_edit_lock”: “1655815390:1”,
    “pod_reference”: {
    “pod”: “hotel_room”

    Plugin Author Coding Panda


    Thanks for pasting it again. I can see you opened it with the CODE quotation but didn’t close it with another CODE quotation, it still doesn’t work. Would you please try again?

    Plugin Author Coding Panda


    Never mind. I figured out how to fix it.

    It returns the image ids with commas, e.g. 1,2,3

    You can change the get_image_src shortcode to explode the ids and process each image, or you can use the WordPress gallery shortcode: https://codex.wordpress.org/Gallery_Shortcode

    [each hotel_rooms]
    [gallery ids="{@hotel_room_photo}"]
    Thread Starter Christos Vouzas


    I’m late, I know. jus i want to say THANK YOU very much.
    Everything worked fine.

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