• I’ve noticed that Thickbox ignores the width I set when there is a parameter in the current URL. For example:

    <a href="#TB_inline?width=350&height=450&inlineId=mydivID">View More Information</a>

    I double checked the Thickbox docs to make sure I was doing it right with the anchor tag.


    Thickbox on the above domain will load with exactly the right width/height as I state in the anchor tag (350 width as shown above.)


    On the same page, but with a parameter in the URL, thickbox ignores the set width and is much, much wider. This happens on any page with thickbox with parameters in the URL.

    I’ve dug around online looking for answers and haven’t found anything. But, I have seen people mention they have this problem as well. Anyone have a clue how to fix this?

    Any help would be great — thanks!

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