• Resolved antonsd3vur


    Hi there – got “There was a problem purchasing your shipping label. Please try again in a moment”

    I used it extensively yesterday and maybe hit your security filters by buying “too many” labels, can you reset or help get it working again ? P.S Attached support file and used different cards with no avail.


    ### WordPress Environment ###

    WordPress address (URL): https://www.d3vur.com
    Site address (URL): https://www.d3vur.com
    WC Version: 5.7.1
    REST API Version: ✔ 5.7.1
    WC Blocks Version: ✔ 5.7.2
    Action Scheduler Version: ✔ 3.2.1
    WC Admin Version: ✔ 2.6.5
    Log Directory Writable: ✔
    WP Version: 5.8.1
    WP Multisite: –
    WP Memory Limit: 256 MB
    WP Debug Mode: ✔
    WP Cron: ✔
    Language: en_US
    External object cache: –

    ### Server Environment ###

    Server Info: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
    PHP Version: 7.1.27-1+ubuntu14.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 – We recommend using PHP version 7.2 or above for greater performance and security. How to update your PHP version
    PHP Post Max Size: 8 MB
    PHP Time Limit: 30
    PHP Max Input Vars: 1000
    cURL Version: 7.35.0

    SUHOSIN Installed: –
    MySQL Version: ❌ 5.5.62-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 – We recommend a minimum MySQL version of 5.6. See: WordPress requirements
    Max Upload Size: 8 MB
    Default Timezone is UTC: ✔
    fsockopen/cURL: ✔
    SoapClient: ❌ Your server does not have the SoapClient class enabled – some gateway plugins which use SOAP may not work as expected.
    DOMDocument: ✔
    GZip: ✔
    Multibyte String: ✔
    Remote Post: ✔
    Remote Get: ✔

    ### Database ###

    WC Database Version: 5.6.0
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    ### Post Type Counts ###

    amn_mi-lite: 1
    attachment: 1136
    customize_changeset: 4
    nav_menu_item: 37
    oembed_cache: 4
    page: 19
    post: 1
    product: 69
    product_variation: 74
    rainmaker_form: 1
    revision: 170
    shop_coupon: 10
    shop_order: 2268
    shop_order_refund: 17
    watermark: 1
    woogool_feed: 11
    wpuf_input: 2
    xlwcty_thankyou: 1

    ### Security ###

    Secure connection (HTTPS): ✔
    Hide errors from visitors: ✔

    ### Active Plugins (35) ###

    Redux: by Extendify – 4.3.1
    All-in-One WP Migration: by ServMask – 7.48
    Ads.txt Publisher: by Brightcom – 1.0.16
    Enhanced E-commerce for Woocommerce store: by Tatvic – 4.2.1
    Facebook for WooCommerce: by Facebook – 2.6.5
    Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP): by ExactMetrics – 7.0.2
    Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights: by MonsterInsights – 8.0.1
    GoUrl Bitcoin Payment Gateway & Paid Downloads & Membership: by GoUrl.io – 1.6.4
    GoUrl WooCommerce – Bitcoin Altcoin Payment Gateway Addon. White Label Solution: by GoUrl.io – 1.3.8
    Health Check & Troubleshooting: by The WordPress.org community – 1.4.5
    WP Hide Plugin Updates and Warnings: by Midland Web Company – 1.0
    Insert Headers and Footers: by WPBeginner – 1.6.0
    Jetpack: by Automattic – 10.1
    Mapping multiple URLs redirect same page: by Rupam Hazra – 5.8
    Netbase Shortcodes: by Netbaseteam – 1.4.3
    Netbase Widgets for SiteOrigin: by NetbaseTeam – 1.1.3
    Facebook for WordPress: by Facebook – 3.0.6
    Order / Coupon / Subscription Export Import Plugin for WooCommerce (BASIC): by WebToffee – 2.1.0
    IOTA Payment Gateway: by Junaid Rajpoot – 1.0.0
    Really Simple SSL: by Really Simple Plugins – 5.1.0
    Regenerate Thumbnails: by Alex Mills (Viper007Bond) – 3.1.5
    Sales Pop: by Beeketing – 1.4.18
    Page Builder by SiteOrigin: by SiteOrigin – 2.13.2
    SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle: by SiteOrigin – 1.23.1
    WooCommerce UPC, EAN, and ISBN: by Scott Bolinger – 0.5.1
    NextMove Lite – Thank You Page for WooCommerce: by XLPlugins – 2.14.2
    Braintree for WooCommerce Payment Gateway: by WooCommerce – 2.6.1
    WooCommerce Shipping & Tax: by WooCommerce – 1.25.18
    WP Woocommerce to Google merchant center-pro: by asaquzzaman – 1.8.0
    WP Woocommerce to Google merchant center: by asaquzzaman – 1.9.0
    WooCommerce: by Automattic – 5.7.1
    Wordfence Security: by Wordfence – 7.5.5
    Yoast SEO Premium: by Team Yoast – 14.6.1
    YITH WooCommerce Wishlist: by YITH – 3.1.0
    YITH WooCommerce Product Gallery & Image Zoom: by YITH – 2.0.3

    ### Inactive Plugins (27) ###

    Advanced iFrame: by Michael Dempfle – 2021.6
    Advanced iFrame custom folder: by Michael Dempfle – 1.0
    Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce: by AlgolPlus – 3.1.9
    Amazon Associates Link Builder: by Amazon Associates Program – 1.9.3
    Amazon Link: by Paul Stuttard – 3.2.10
    Amazon Product In a Post: by KryptoniteWP – 5.2.2
    Beeketing For WooCommerce: by Beeketing – 3.8.16
    Debug: by SoniNow Team – 1.9
    Easy Watermark: by BracketSpace – 1.0.11
    Etsy Shop: by Frédéric Sheedy – 2.3.2
    Export emails: by Joe’s Web Tools – 1.3.1
    Google XML Sitemaps: by Auctollo – 4.1.1
    Image Watermark: by dFactory – 1.6.6
    NBDesigner: by Netbaseteam – 2.3.0
    Sirv: by sirv.com – 6.5.1
    Sync to Etsy Marketplace from WooCommerce: by ExportFeed.com – 3.3.2
    Tawk.to Live Chat: by Tawkto – 0.5.5
    Woocommerce Products Designer by ORION: by ORION – 4.2
    WooCommerce Sync for QuickBooks Online – by MyWorks Software: by MyWorks Software – 2.4.0
    Woo Discount Rules: by Flycart – 2.3.8
    WP All Export: by Soflyy – 1.3.1
    WP File Manager: by mndpsingh287 – 7.1.2
    WP Mail SMTP: by WPForms – 3.0.3
    WP Rollback: by Impress.org – 1.7.1
    WP Speed of Light: by JoomUnited – 3.0.0
    WP User Frontend: by weDevs – 3.5.20
    Yoast SEO: by Team Yoast – 17.2

    ### Must Use Plugins (1) ###

    Health Check Troubleshooting Mode: by – 1.7.2

    ### Settings ###

    API Enabled: ✔
    Force SSL: ✔
    Currency: USD ($)
    Currency Position: left
    Thousand Separator: ,
    Decimal Separator: .
    Number of Decimals: 2
    Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)
    grouped (grouped)
    simple (simple)
    variable (variable)

    Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)
    exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)
    featured (featured)
    outofstock (outofstock)
    rated-1 (rated-1)
    rated-2 (rated-2)
    rated-3 (rated-3)
    rated-4 (rated-4)
    rated-5 (rated-5)

    Connected to WooCommerce.com: ✔

    ### WC Pages ###

    Shop base: #3667 – /shop/
    Cart: #2945 – /cart/
    Checkout: #2946 – /checkout/
    My account: #2879 – /my-account/
    Terms and conditions: ❌ Page not set

    ### Theme ###

    Name: Tshirt
    Version: 1.0.1
    Author URL: http://www.netbaseteam.com
    Child Theme: ❌ – If you are modifying WooCommerce on a parent theme that you did not build personally we recommend using a child theme. See: How to create a child theme
    WooCommerce Support: ✔

    ### Templates ###

    Archive Template: Your theme has a woocommerce.php file
    you will not be able to override the woocommerce/archive-product.php custom template since woocommerce.php has priority over archive-product.php. This is intended to prevent display issues.

    Overrides: tshirt/woocommerce/cart/cart-shipping.php version 2.5.0 is out of date. The core version is 3.6.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/cart/cart.php version 2.3.8 is out of date. The core version is 3.8.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php version 2.5.0 is out of date. The core version is 5.2.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/checkout/form-checkout.php version 2.3.0 is out of date. The core version is 3.5.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/checkout/form-pay.php version 2.5.0 is out of date. The core version is 5.2.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/checkout/payment.php version 2.5.0 is out of date. The core version is 3.5.3
    tshirt/woocommerce/checkout/thankyou.php version 2.2.0 is out of date. The core version is 3.7.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/content-product.php version 2.6.1 is out of date. The core version is 3.6.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/loop/add-to-cart.php version 2.5.0 is out of date. The core version is 3.3.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/loop/orderby.php version 2.2.0 is out of date. The core version is 3.6.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/loop/pagination.php version 2.2.2 is out of date. The core version is 3.3.1
    tshirt/woocommerce/loop/rating.php version 2.0.0 is out of date. The core version is 3.6.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/loop/result-count.php version 2.0.0 is out of date. The core version is 3.7.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/myaccount/form-add-payment-method.php version 2.6.0 is out of date. The core version is 4.3.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/order/order-details-customer.php version 2.4.0 is out of date. The core version is 5.6.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/order/order-details-item.php version 2.5.0 is out of date. The core version is 5.2.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/order/order-details.php version 2.6.0 is out of date. The core version is 4.6.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/product-searchform.php version 2.5.0 is out of date. The core version is 3.3.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/grouped.php version 2.1.7 is out of date. The core version is 4.8.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php version 2.6.3 is out of date. The core version is 3.5.1
    tshirt/woocommerce/single-product/related.php version 1.6.4 is out of date. The core version is 3.9.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/single-product/tabs/additional-information.php version 2.0.0 is out of date. The core version is 3.0.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/single-product/tabs/tabs.php version 2.4.0 is out of date. The core version is 3.8.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/single-product/up-sells.php version 1.6.4 is out of date. The core version is 3.0.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/single-product-reviews.php version 2.3.2 is out of date. The core version is 4.3.0
    tshirt/woocommerce/content-product_cat.php version 2.6.1 is out of date. The core version is 4.7.0

    Outdated Templates: ❌

    Learn how to update

    ### Braintree (Credit Card) ###

    Environment: Production
    Tokenization Enabled: ✔
    Debug Mode: Save to Log

    ### Braintree (PayPal) ###

    Environment: Production
    Tokenization Enabled: –
    Debug Mode: Off

    ### Action Scheduler ###

    Complete: 5,801
    Oldest: 2021-08-24 18:16:15 +0000
    Newest: 2021-09-24 17:33:19 +0000

    Failed: 2
    Oldest: 2021-09-02 21:52:39 +0000
    Newest: 2021-09-24 17:32:58 +0000

    Pending: 1
    Oldest: 2021-09-25 17:33:19 +0000
    Newest: 2021-09-25 17:33:19 +0000

    ### Status report information ###

    Generated at: 2021-09-24 18:10:11 +00:00

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Hi @antonsd3vur,

    Thanks for providing the additional details about your site!

    I do see some failed attempted purchases in our logs.
    It looks like your bank is preventing us from charging the card associated to your account.
    Would you be able to contact your bank about the issue?
    As an alternative, could you try with another card?

    Let me know if this helped!

    Have a good rest of your day!


    Thread Starter antonsd3vur


    I tried two different cards so far, same issue

    p.s thanks for looking into it

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by antonsd3vur.
    Thread Starter antonsd3vur


    Okay AMEX card woks now… thats a start lol

    @antonsd3vur I’m glad that worked!
    Prior to that successful attempt, we also received a different message (on the previous transaction):

    This card has been declined too many times. You can try to charge this card again after 24 hours. We suggest reaching out to your customer to make sure they have entered all of their information correctly and that there are no issues with their card.

    Let me know if you need any further assistance!


    I am curious what are doing these 4 tables without prefix in the status report:

    crypto_files: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.33MB + Engine InnoDB
    crypto_membership: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.09MB + Engine InnoDB
    crypto_payments: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.31MB + Engine InnoDB
    crypto_products: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.25MB + Engine InnoDB

    I have in one website. Not sure how they appeared.

    Thanks for any info.


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