• Hey, i’ve have tried contacting the support for this theme, but she doesn’t want to help with any sort of customization, even though i think this is something that should probably be standard.

    I am attempting to make my photo galleries in the theme. This theme has a custom post type of Photo albums which pulls the images from the media folder.

    Unfortunately, there is no method to have these albums displayed without first creating a separate page for each album, changing the format type to the grid style you want, and then selecting each individual album you want displayed.

    You would think that a I could set the grid style on the album itself and simply have some sort of loop that displays a link to each album based on the chosen category, as a blog archive would. Being that I am building a photography website, having to create at minimum of 3 different pages for each and every client I have, plus the photo album itself, is way to much.

    So I am asking for help in putting the post formats on the album post type itself, so all i have to do is select the albums I want to display as links.

    Option 2, would be to just stick with nextgen gallery, but i could use some help getting the formatting the same as the theme offers, as I really like it.

    Here is my sample page of what I am attempting to do.


    Each client will get its own profile page that has a featured image, and a slideshow of the best images. along with a space for a testimonial.

    Under that, I want a list of all albums associated with the client. Usually divided by outfit change, but may also be multiple shoots.

    These I create in the Photo Album post type.

    Currently for this theme, I have to create a separate page for each album, then go back to this main page and add a banner link that links to the other page.

    But I would like this to function like the nextgen galleries I put underneath in which i click the link and the gallery loads in the same space as the thumbnails.

    On the Themes method, if you click the first link, it opens up to a list of albums. I like this format of the album display, but i really need it to open up the justified grid and not just a lightbox. On the second, it opens to the grid style I would like to use.

    So to summarize:

    I think the way this needs to work is:
    1. Add pictures
    2. Put in Album
    3. Select the Album display format.
    4. Create page and enter client Info
    5. Select Albums I want displayed.
    6. Client index page will be created automatically based on category selection of each client.
    7. Save

    Not this

    1. Add Pictures
    2. Put in album
    3. Create page to display that album
    4. Create another page for each additional album
    5. Create a new master page where I have to manually create a link to each of the previously created pages.
    6. Manually create a Client index page to select the various clients.
    7. Save and repeat for each client.

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