• Resolved ethanbeyer


    To frame my problem, please use this site for reference: Ethan Beyer | Prints.

    Essentially I want to do exactly what this user is trying to do: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/change-the_excerpt-to-the_content

    The difference is that I am using the Boumatic Theme (child of Thematic), in which there is no “loop.php” and I’ve never coded with PHP before.

    When a visitor (or I) choose to look at a page devoted to a category, I want every post to be displayed in its entirety, not just an excerpt. I understand what is happening in that other forum post, denoting that the excerpts are still shown when something is searched for – but for the archives, I’d love the whole post to be present.

    Can anyone tell me how to change this (which template files do I need to edit, etc…) or at the very least point me in the right direction?

    Thank you very, very much.

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  • You want to change the theme not the function. Edit your archive.php or your index.php and replace the call to the_excerpt() to the_content().

    Messing with WordPress innards is no bueno.

    Thread Starter ethanbeyer


    I’ve looked into both the Thematic <i>and</i> Boumatic code – this is archive.php:

    Template Name: Archives Page
        // calling the header.php
        // action hook for placing content above #container
    	<div id="container">
    		<div id="content">
    			<div id="post-<?php the_ID() ?>" class="<?php thematic_post_class() ?>">
                    // creating the post header
    				<div class="entry-content">
                        // action hook for the 404 content
                        edit_post_link(__('Edit', 'thematic'),'<span class="edit-link">','</span>');
    			</div><!-- .post -->
            if ( get_post_custom_values('comments') )
                comments_template(); // Add a key/value of "comments" to enable comments on pages!
    		</div><!-- #content -->
    	</div><!-- #container -->
        // action hook for placing content below #container
        // calling the standard sidebar
        // calling footer.php

    there’s nothing about the_excerpt() – in fact, it IS calling the_content()! I don’t know what to do…

    You are correct it looks like it is calling the_content() directly.

    Thematic is an abstraction layer. Form looking through the WP code and working on a few plugins I can tell you that the_excerpt() calls the_content() and runs a filter on it. Try commenting out the filter in the_excerpt() and see if you get the same behavior.

    In this case I suggest looking at the_content within thematic, they may have over ridden the function. Is thematic an essential part of your site or just the theme?

    Sorry I always found extra abstraction layers like thematic a pain. Unless you have a seriously compelling reason for it removing it may be easier. If you modify it you will have to maintain it.

    My apologies for being of no further help.

    Thread Starter ethanbeyer


    Wow – it took some digging – but I got it figured out.

    Thematic had built into the_content() arguments denoting what the_content() actually was in an entirely separate PHP file buried away.

    I edited that a little bit and whammo-blammo – got it working how I wanted it to.

    If you’re interested, here’s the link that helped me out: http://themeshaper.com/forums/topic/full-posts-in-archive-pages#post-13520

    Thanks for taking the time, pkenjora!

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