• If this would be only a plugin, it would earn 5 stars. Solid working and for all, who need it, it is a good idea. Instead the aim of this plugin is, to change the core language and with this step – as a last consequence – the complete german translation for plugins and themes. Although a few changes in this new translation breaks the german spelling rules and although enough WordPress users dislike the political dimensions, the plugin author does not deviate from this/his aim. If this would be a real “neutral” gender translation, nobody would disagree. But the plugin – as mentioned- breaks spelling rules and more, it emphasizes the gender problems. A compromise, that considers both parties is not in sight. This earns zero/minus points in review.

    Das Ziel dieses Plug-ins sind die WordPress-Sprachdateien – schlechte Idee- da zu einseitig.
    Wenn es sich hierbei nur um ein Plug-in handeln würde, würde es 5 Sterne verdienen. Es arbeitet ohne Fehler, und wer es nötig hat, kann es installieren. Stattdessen ist das Ziel dahinter, die Sprachdateien von WordPress zu verändern und – als letzte Konsequenz daraus – sämtliche Sprachdateien aller Plug-ins und Themes. Obwohl einige der Übersetzungen des Plug-ins mit dem amtlichen Regelwerk der deutschen Sprache brechen und obwohl es jede Menge WordPress-Nutzer gibt, die die politischen Dimensionen dahinter ablehnen, weicht der Plug-in-Autor nicht vom Ziel ab. Wäre das Plug-in etwas, das wirklich “neutrale” Genderisierung bringen würde, gäbe es keinen Widerspruch. Aber dieses Plug-in bricht – wie bereits erwähnt, Rechtschreibregeln und es betont die Genderproblematik (Signale, die es beim Lesen immmer wieder vor Augen führen). Ein Kompromiss, der die Interessen beider WordPress-User-Parteien berücksichtigt, ist nicht in Sicht. Das verdient 0 bis minus Sterne.

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  • Hello Angelika,

    it is somewhat ignorant to state, that a plugin is “solid working and for all who need it, […] a good idea” and then give it a one star review only because you want to find another way to express your concerns about a more gender neutral translation of WordPress.

    As mentioned before, this plugin has the sole purpose to display variations of a translation and provide a common ground for discussions about the best translation. Feel free to discuss on Slack in the #polyglots channel, but don’t misuse the plugin reviews for a personal statement.

    I’m adding a Tag modlook to this review and kindly ask a moderator to remove the entire thread.

    Thread Starter Angelika Reisiger


    I’m adding a Tag modlook to this review and kindly ask a moderator to remove the entire thread.

    Oh yes, and all the other negative reviews here too? They all express their concerns about the aim of this plugin. Cool idea to receive only positive reviews. Where I write arguments, other negative reviews here say only “it is an ideology”.

    You can not distinguish this plugin as “only a plugin”, since it wants to change the german wordpress translations, inclusive all plugins and themes – that is a fact. So you also can’t rate only the functions of this plugin. You should be able to rate also the “feature” of this “feature plugin”.

    Thread Starter Angelika Reisiger


    As supplement:
    If this thread well be removed …
    you should on the other hand remove several reviews with 5 stars of this plugin. Since they don’t rate the plugin, but the gender language. E.g “My clients like it (gender language)”
    Or this one:
    https://wordpress.org/support/topic/wichtig-und-richtig-bitte-weitermachen/ that says “Language is power. Who is not called, does not exit. Who says developer (male), thinks about a man. So please move on and don’t bounce back about negative comments” <- 5 stars rating and this was text, why.

    Or this one: “right step in the right direction” it also rates the gender language with 5 stars and not the plugin’s functions.

    And: I have no problem with a real “neutral” language, as mentioned in first thread.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Hello! I’m a moderator in these forums.

    *Reads and re-reads*

    So here’s the thing: while I disagree with the review, I’m going to let it remain. The reason I disagree with this review is that you clearly state the following.

    If this would be only a plugin, it would earn 5 stars.

    This is a plugin. It is a tool. It’s software, nothing more and nothing less. You may ascribe some political motivation to the author but he’s clearly stated that’s not the case.

    If you do reply, please keep it about the code and utility of the plugin. Try to not project what you think this tool is about. Instead please talk about the utility of this tool. Does it perform it’s stated purpose? Is it easy to use? What changes to the interface would you recommend?

    I’m not looking for an argument and neither is the plugin author. But if you are going to start into “ideology” then I will close this review as being non-productive.

    Thread Starter Angelika Reisiger


    Hi Jan,

    fair enough. To my defense: Here is only 1 review of 15, that rates or reply about the utility or code of the plugin, this one of Bego. The rest 14 reviews/reviewer (all 14) write arguments about the motivation, aim and gender language etc (in a positive or negative manner). And only for the protocol: I did not write about ideology, this was another reviewer.

    You are right, I totally accept your statement. I will keep it about code now. Thank you!

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  • The topic ‘The aim of this plugin is the Core language – bad idea – too partial’ is closed to new replies.