• I have just switched to WordPress and I must say I like it very much. It is much easier to edit a couple of entries than in MT for example :-).
    It has probably been discussed alreay: templates, when will get those? I found another way of getting templates for different parts of the weblog, but it would be nice if it was standard, not hacked (my method relies on mod_rewrite, every request gets filtered etc.).
    The new URI scheme is great, the reason for me to switch, though it would be nice if the slash at the end was optional, since it is about a file, not a directory. I already hacked this in, but same as for the templates -> standard ;-).
    There was also a small problem with the Q element. This gets converted for IE and other browsers (W3C Validator?!). Fine with me (although I would like to switch it off), but there isn’t any check for attributes, I think it is implanted as str_replace, which makes a mess of it, when there is an xml:lang attribute set…
    PS: Mark Wubben (neo.dzygn.com) helped me converting my weblog from MT to WP and we managed to create a preview button for the comments. I think he will mail that to one of the developers or post it here soon.

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  • The slash at the end should be optional, you just edit the Permalink setting.
    A templating meta-language beyond PHP has been discussed quite a bit. It’s unlikely in the near future that WordPress’ templates will become much more complex, as I think their simplicity has served the product very well.
    You can get rid of that Q element thing by modifying the wptexturize function.
    Looking forward to seeing your comment preview code.

    the slash at the end is inside the template code for the categories. I’ve had to hack it to get it away.
    I’ll send an email to the development team containing the preview hack.
    Take care,
    – Mark

    It’s at the end of categories by design. Got your preview patch and I’ll take a look at it.

    “It’s at the end of categories by design”
    I see. Oh well, Anne wanted it gone 😉

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