• Hi, Andrea
    I installed the plugin. But I can’t add Widgets. What is the reason of this? How can I add? I can add some of my pages. I cannot add on some pages. I could not understand where the problem originated. Can you help?

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  • Plugin Author Andrea Landonio


    Hi, can you explain a little bit more the problem? I’ve not understood very well.. The plugin should display a box for filtering taxonomies automatically.. You have to do nothing.. In which pages it doesn’t work?

    Plugin Author Andrea Landonio


    Hi, I’ve never tried my plugin with PODs.. are you able to send me some screenshot to better understand the problem? Then I can try to replicate in my local env..
    PS: what version on PHP, WordPress and Plugin are you using?

    Hi, Thanks for this plugin.
    i have same problem. widget for first time show but now i dont have widget.
    php version 7.2 and if you want i cand permission to check problem.

    Plugin Author Andrea Landonio


    Hi @whoman are you able to send me some screenshots?

    Hi @lando1982, there was conflict wuth another plugin. now i have no problem. thanks for your reply.

    Plugin Author Andrea Landonio



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