• Resolved amhoffmaster


    I have tabbed content where both tabs have a tablepress table. Only the table on the first tab works correctly. I switched the order of the tabs and can confirm it is always the initially hidden tab where the tablepress table doesn’t work. On the initially hidden tab, the table content is not stretched to the full width of the content div and the icons don’t display on mobile. I’m not sure if this is a jquery error conflicting with the tab functionality and if there is a way to have tables on both tabs. Thanks.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author TobiasBg



    Thanks for your post and sorry for the trouble!

    This is indeed caused by the tables being shown in tabs:
    When tables are shown in tabs or accordions, or similar, they are initially hidden (when the page is loaded). And hidden tables don’t have a column width, so that certain calculations can’t be performed (like for example how the header row should look like or when columns need to be collapsed).

    Now, very often it is possible to make this work by adding a “Custom Command” with some custom JavaScript code, which basically re-triggers these calculations once a tab is switched. However, as that code highly depends on the site in question, with its theme, etc. playing a big role, I can only offer looking into that more deeply for holders of a TablePress Premium license, which are then eligible for direct email support. The premium versions also bring more possible modes for making tables responsive in the Responsive Tables feature module, which, for your tables, might even be better than the Collapse mode.


    Thread Starter amhoffmaster


    ok, that’s what I suspected. Thanks for confirming.

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    sure, no problem! I hope this helps!

    Best wishes,

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