• Resolved Robert.Vidrine


    I recently noticed that the tab controls on several pages seem to have failed all at the same time. When I look at the page in the editor mode, the tabs work fine, but when viewed on the front end, the tab labels are present and clickable, but none of the tab content is shown.

    If I create a new set of tabs (even on the same page as broken tabs), the new tabs work fine, but all of the existing tabs are broken. I don’t know exactly when the tabs broke, but am running Advanced Gutenberg 2.3.3 and the latest version of WordPress as well.

    I haven’t tracked down exactly what is breaking, but can see from a page inspector that the tab content retains the CSS property from the style sheet of display:none. Apparently, some javascript is supposed to add display:block inline to the selected tab as inline CSS?

    I can of course rebuild each of the tab sets, but since this occurs on 15 or more pages, each with 3 or more tabs, I really would prefer to find a fix to fix all of them at once.

    Thanks for your help,

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter Robert.Vidrine


    On inspecting the tab elements, the li containing the tab label is not getting the advgb-tab-active class on the existing tabs. (Since this is working on new tabs, I was able to confirm that tabs in other contexts are getting this class.)

    I have not figured out any conflict that would cause this, but perhaps this information would help in figuring out what is not happening that should be. I can confirm that upon clicking a tab, I am taken to a new URL with the anchor of the chosen tab displayed in the URL.

    Thanks again for any help you can provide.

    I have this same problem too. please help me.


    Thanks for reaching us about the tab block.
    Could you share a link where you experienced the issue, the old one seem to be working now?

    I’ve tried to reproduce it using old version, Gutenberg stable and Gutenberg plugin but without any luck yet.

    Thanks a lot!

    This website is in Persian and Arabic language.
    But tab blocks are visible.

    How can we download old versions?

    Thread Starter Robert.Vidrine


    Thank you for looking at this. Sorry about the problem with the page I linked. I had to rebuild that tabset from scratch because this page needed to be working quickly. All of the other Faculty Profiles in that section still show the problem.

    Here is another example:

    If you visit the Faculty Profiles page (find it in the breadcrumb trail), all of the other pages linked to it exhibit this problem.

    Thank you for your help!

    Thanks guys! we’ll look into that ASAP.

    Please look at this page too
    Tab blocks are shown but not truly.

    Thread Starter Robert.Vidrine


    Additional info:
    I noticed that version 2.3.4 was released today, so I upgraded to this new version on a development copy of the site I linked before, and all of the existing tabsets failed, as if the CSS selectors were no longer relevant. This is the same behavior I saw when I deactivated the plugin. Each of the tab labels appear as an item in a unordered list at the start of the tabset, followed by the intended contents of each of those tabs, with a border around each content block. (I suppose that indicates that some of the CSS rules are being applied, but these must be inline styles that remain in the HTML after the plugin is no longer working.)
    I cannot give you a link to this private development site, and don’t see a way to attach a screenshot to better explain what is happening on these pages after applying version 2.3.4 update. However, I would be happy to send you a screenshot if that would help.

    Thank you for looking into this,

    How can we download old versions?


    Could you try to update to the new version first? we’ve made a better tab migration tool in it, it may work without restoring an old version.

    @horiahi as a last option you can try https://fr.wordpress.org/plugins/wp-rollback/


    Thread Starter Robert.Vidrine


    I don’t know if this is helpful or not, but when the newest version of the plugin was applied to my site, all of the previous uses of the tabs block broke, but the one that I rebuilt recently (on version 2.3.3) did not. This is a very serious error on my site, as the faculty profiles, which use the tabs block are consistently the most popular pages on our site. I would like to keep using Advanced Gutenberg for tabs blocks, but am nearing a point at which I may have to switch to another solution to get these pages running again.

    In the current version of the plugin (2.3.4), the content which was formerly in tabs now shows up as almost completely unstyled content as described above. The tab labels are an unordered list with bullets, followed by the content of the tabs, each in a bordered segment, in the order that the tabs were laid out on the page.

    Thank you for any help you can provide to make your previous tabs work again. I am going to look at the current tabs and the recreted ones and see if there is a class I can add to the tabs to make them work again. (They must be missing a class name or something, as none of the tab styling is being applied to them, other than some inline styles to make the borders and background colors).

    Did u try to transform to Advanced Tabs? Or clear cache?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by pdutie94.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by pdutie94.
    Thread Starter Robert.Vidrine


    I am delighted to report that the 2.3.5 update has fixed my problem! All of my existing tab panels are now working as expected again.

    Thank you very much for your speedy work on this. I really appreciate it!


    @robertvidrine this is indeed a good news πŸ™‚ that was a tough one.
    Thanks for your help.


    @joomunited the problem was fixed. Thanks for yor support.

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