• Resolved jbenned


    Hi everyone,

    I’m having an issue with the tab block whenever I try to style the different tabs. The paragraph which was inside the tab disappears if I do any form of styling on the tabs. I’d like to give each tab a different text color and make it bold and that works fine except for the fact that all text inside a tab vanishes and it’s not possible to add a paragraph.

    Does anyone have a similar problem? And is there a solution?


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  • Plugin Author Onur Oztaskiran


    Hi @jbenned!

    I tried to reproduce your issue but no luck. Everything seems fine on my end. I wonder if there’s any plugin conflict.

    Could you try disable all the other plugins(if you have) and check again?


    Thread Starter jbenned


    Hi Onur,

    Thank you for fast reply 🙂

    I’ve disabled the one other block plugin I had but it hasn’t made any difference. Not sure if it can be caused by a conflict with other plugins than block plugins?

    I’ve tested the issue a bit more and it seems I can make the tab text bold, italic and strike-through without the paragraph inside disappear. Once I pick any of the other options the error occurs. If I then remove the style, the paragraph comes back.
    I tried to go back to WP 5.2.3 but that didn’t work either.

    Very strange, but I’m sure there’s a good explanation somewhere 🙂


    Plugin Author Onur Oztaskiran


    Strange indeed 🙂 What is your Theme by the way? There’s also a chance theme editor styles may be overriding some Kioken Blocks styles.

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