right now it is potentially possible but may be a problem because you cannot close the browser while the process is running.
But we are working on a new version of sync process that will not require you to sit and wait for the sync to complete. This will be released in some of the minor versions of 3.0 version.
Thanks for your patience.
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Ok – I think I’ll wait for your new version.
Also is there a way to make URL’s private e.g. that only registered users of the site can view the image?
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Is there an ETA for this?
An updated sync process will be provided with v3.1.0. I can’t provide you with a timeline, but you can track progress on GitHub at https://github.com/udx/wp-stateless/milestone/38
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Thanks @ideric – super helpful.
In regards to Private URL’s?
If my site is private and login only – are the URLs still publically available to the images?
In regards to Private URL’s?
If my site is private and login only – are the URLs still publically available to the images?
Yes – they will be publicly available.
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@ideric – I’ve found this.
Is there a possibility that this can be added to WP-Stateless to allow signed URLs that are private and can be set for uploads?