• Resolved hemligg


    I see in the description for this plugin that it is “Fully tested” with Better messages plugin. Better messages has its own block feature. Is that supposed to be synced with the block feature of this plugin and vice versa. So that if user A block user B in a chat room. Then that block is synced with the block feature of the community as whole? And vice versa if user A blocks user B in the community pages (Buddypress or Buddyboss) will user B be blocked in the better messages chat room as well?

    Or what is too expect when you declare “Fully tested with Better messages”?

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  • Plugin Author Ben Roberts


    Hey Pär!

    Before I carry on, as a premium customer, you’re more than welcome to use our normal channels!

    But as this also relates to the free version, @wordplus, do you have any insights here? I wasn’t aware you now offered blocking 😊

    Ben Roberts

    Hi there, @hemligg !

    Back in past when Better Messages was only solution for BuddyPress – Block, Suspend, Report for BuddyPress plugin was only way to block other users.

    Now there is also simple built in feature for that, so people who not use BuddyPress can block other users as well.

    So you can use Block, Suspend, Report for BuddyPress or built in feature to block users, but they are not synced.


    Plugin Author Ben Roberts


    Thanks @wordplus!

    Thread Starter hemligg


    Thanks @wordplus and @bouncingsprout

    So if I understood it correctly BSR should be effective in the BM chat rooms as well as on the rest of the site? As long as we don’t enable the block feature of BM?

    My experience is that BSR isn’t effective in the BM chat rooms. But maybe we need to activate BM block feature in order to let users block each other in the chat room and that the block then only concern the chat rooms?

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