Hi @oaufi, it will not sync at the moment of creating user in FB. It will be synced at the moment FB user login into WP website. You can read more at https://firebase-wordpress-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/auth/wordpress-user-integration.html
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@hanthuy , Thanks I will look to the link. And WP User will he be able to login in the FB Mobile APP since his user is created in the Website ?
since the mobile app will use the FB.
Exactly. If the users login to WP using the plugin shortcode, they’ll be able to login to any apps using FB.
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@hanthuy Thanks for your response , I have some more question please, Should I use the Plugin Form Login/Reg in my wordpress since I have already implement my login / Reg page ?
No, you shouldn’t. Otherwise, users will not be synced to FB.
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So in this case I will need to use the Form that you have provided in your plugin for login & registration ?
I cant use the current one that I have now in my site ?
Yes, it would be the easiest way to integrate. You can use the current one, but it will need some customization on your end. It may not stable. Are there reasons why do you want to keep it?
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@hanthuy , can you please guide me how I can customize it , since I can reach the Login/Register.php we can set a meeting if you agree?
The reason that the Theme and Booking Plugin is build in with those login/reg form but still i can reach the .php and customize them.