• Resolved Made in the Moon


    So in the following svg file I am trying to use a symbol and repeat it with differing scales and rotations, but I cant upload into wordpress. I just get a HTTP error.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
    <!-- Creator: Made in the Moon -->
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    .filw {fill:white}
    .filly {fill:#F0EC74}
    .fillb {fill:#ADD8E6}
    .fillp {fill:#E4BED2}
    .fily {fill:#FFDA03}
    .filb {fill:#224D8F}
    .filnb {fill:#002A5C}
    .filr {fill:#B1302A}
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    .filp {fill:#3F2A56}
    .filc {fill:#EC3B83}
    .filt {fill:#40E0D0}
    .filsg {fill:#AFAFAF}
    <symbol id="grow" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" preserveAspectRatio="none">
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    <path id="neck" class="filn strw" d="M405 120c26,59 93,91 150,50 17,-12 31,-30 40,-50l19 8c-20,46 -64,81 -114,81 -50,0 -94,-35 -114,-81l19 -8z"/>
    <path id="top-leg" class="filn strw" d="M295 682c57,6 77,24 105,73 12,22 24,45 49,52l-20 14c-39,-21 -49,-78 -83,-102 -15,-10 -33,-14 -52,-16l1 -21zm256 125c52,-15 46,-96 120,-118l34 -7 1 21c-49,5 -63,20 -87,62 -12,20 -26,45 -48,56l-20 -14z"/>
    <path id="bot-leg" class="filn strw" d="M565 816c15,12 26,29 37,50l-6 12 -11 0c-10,-20 -20,-35 -32,-45 -14,-11 -30,-16 -53,-16 -23,0 -39,5 -52,16 -13,10 -23,25 -33,45l-11 0 -6 -12c11,-21 22,-38 37,-50 17,-13 37,-20 65,-20 28,0 49,7 65,20z"/>
    <g id="hem" class="filn str1">
    <path d="M285 348c6,3 80,-92 33,-194"/><path d="M715 348c-6,3 -80,-92 -33,-194"/></g>
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    <circle cx="462" cy="812" r="6"/><circle cx="500" cy="806" r="6"/><circle cx="538" cy="812" r="6"/></g>
    <use id="p-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filp strw" x="300" y="0" height="60%" width="60%" transform="rotate(-4)"/>
    <use id="b-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filb strw" x="-100" y="340" height="80%" width="80%" transform="rotate(2)"/>
    <use id="y-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="fily strw" x="550" y="100" height="50%" width="50%" transform="rotate(-10)"/>
    <use id="o-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filo strw" x="620" y="130" height="70%" width="70%" transform="rotate(15)"/>
    <use id="g-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filg strw" x="250" y="-80" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(10)"/>
    <use id="c-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filc strw" x="830" y="-190" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(25)"/>
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    <use id="t-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filt strw" x="350" y="300" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(-10)"/>
    <use id="nb-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filnb strw" x="520" y="400" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(-8)"/>
    <use id="sg-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filsg strw" x="-150" y="0" height="60%" width="60%" transform="rotate(-18)"/>
    <use id="ag-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filag strw" x="50" y="100" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(-8)"/>
    <use id="m-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="film strw" x="-150" y="150" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(-13)"/>
    <use id="lp-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="fillp strw" x="150" y="300" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(-10)"/>
    <use id="lg-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="fillg strw" x="550" y="85" height="30%" width="30%" transform="rotate(25)"/>
    <use id="r-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filr strw" x="50" y="300" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(3)"/>

    Can you help me identify what I am doing wrong?

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • any luck?

    Plugin Author Benbodhi


    Hey, sorry for the delay here!
    I only got a notification from the reply, not the original post 🙁

    Try this one:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- Creator: Made in the Moon -->
    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" width="1000px" height="1000px" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
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    .strn {stroke:none}
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    .filw {fill:white}
    .filly {fill:#F0EC74}
    .fillb {fill:#ADD8E6}
    .fillp {fill:#E4BED2}
    .fily {fill:#FFDA03}
    .filb {fill:#224D8F}
    .filnb {fill:#002A5C}
    .filr {fill:#B1302A}
    .film {fill:#5B2B42}
    .filg {fill:#50C878}
    .fillg {fill:#92BF55}
    .filag {fill:#4B5320}
    .filo {fill:#DF6426}
    .filp {fill:#3F2A56}
    .filc {fill:#EC3B83}
    .filt {fill:#40E0D0}
    .filsg {fill:#AFAFAF}
    <symbol id="grow" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" preserveAspectRatio="none">
    <path id="grow-body" d="M315 155l91 -34c57,20 131,20 188,0l91 34 126 60c3,1 2,0 2,3l-32 131c0,1 0,1 -1,1l-65 -2c-22,118 -13,236 -9,355 -42,48 -78,106 -110,175 -66,3 -126,3 -192,0 -32,-69 -68,-127 -110,-175 4,-119 13,-237 -9,-355l-65 2c-1,0 -1,0 -1,-1l-32 -131c0,-3 -1,-2 2,-3l126 -60z"/>
    <path id="neck" class="filn strw" d="M405 120c26,59 93,91 150,50 17,-12 31,-30 40,-50l19 8c-20,46 -64,81 -114,81 -50,0 -94,-35 -114,-81l19 -8z"/>
    <path id="top-leg" class="filn strw" d="M295 682c57,6 77,24 105,73 12,22 24,45 49,52l-20 14c-39,-21 -49,-78 -83,-102 -15,-10 -33,-14 -52,-16l1 -21zm256 125c52,-15 46,-96 120,-118l34 -7 1 21c-49,5 -63,20 -87,62 -12,20 -26,45 -48,56l-20 -14z"/>
    <path id="bot-leg" class="filn strw" d="M565 816c15,12 26,29 37,50l-6 12 -11 0c-10,-20 -20,-35 -32,-45 -14,-11 -30,-16 -53,-16 -23,0 -39,5 -52,16 -13,10 -23,25 -33,45l-11 0 -6 -12c11,-21 22,-38 37,-50 17,-13 37,-20 65,-20 28,0 49,7 65,20z"/>
    <g id="hem" class="filn str1">
    <path d="M285 348c6,3 80,-92 33,-194"/><path d="M715 348c-6,3 -80,-92 -33,-194"/></g>
    <g id="poppers" class="fil2 strn">
    <circle cx="462" cy="812" r="6"/><circle cx="500" cy="806" r="6"/><circle cx="538" cy="812" r="6"/></g>
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    <use id="g-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filg strw" x="250" y="-80" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(10)"/>
    <use id="c-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filc strw" x="830" y="-190" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(25)"/>
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    <use id="ag-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filag strw" x="50" y="100" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(-8)"/>
    <use id="m-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="film strw" x="-150" y="150" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(-13)"/>
    <use id="lp-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="fillp strw" x="150" y="300" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(-10)"/>
    <use id="lg-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="fillg strw" x="550" y="85" height="30%" width="30%" transform="rotate(25)"/>
    <use id="r-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filr strw" x="50" y="300" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(3)"/>
    Thread Starter Made in the Moon


    Hi @benbodhi

    Thank you, that has fixed it, sorry for my delay too, just hadn’t the spare time to check it.

    Plugin Author Benbodhi


    Good news. And no problem at all 🙂

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