Hi there!
Sorry to hear about the trouble you’ve had with WooPayments account.
If you’re comfortable sharing the site URL on this thread, I’m happy to take a look at what happened here.
Yes her it is, webshop open for 5 years…
Decided for users to offer a few more options to pay, and here you go without any warnings: account suspended, income frozen for 120 days, and a horrible user experience on the checkout page.
Very unprofessional; do not recommend using this plugin.
Hi there!
Thank you for sharing the site URL. I see you already have an open support interaction with us (For internal ref: 9182410-zen)
While we won’t be able to share specific details about an account suspension. We will get back to you directly via email with any further information that we can share.
Yes I already got an answer and I will shere to other’s to know: “I understand it is frustrating to have your business put in this situation. We are unable to support your account on WooPayments.“
So since you did not specify the reason for the account suspension and the freezing of the account is not based on actual offenses, I do not see any reason for you not to fulfill your obligation to payout the income from sales after 14 days as was the initial agreement. So as an answer says “we are unable to support your account“, it is your inability and freezing collected payments for 120 days should not apply!
Also in answer email says that to you belongs Square and offers to use Square. So itm means same support and politics you have over there. So I won’t use Square and do not recommend others to use Square and WooPayments either.
Hi there!
Thank you for sharing your concerns and experience with your WooPayments account suspension. I understand that this situation can be frustrating for your business.
I’d like to clarify that we developed the payment gateway extension for Square but don’t develop or control the payment gateway itself. As the site owner, you have full control over which payment gateway you choose.
As for the WooPayments account, we can’t discuss the details of your account suspension.