Hi Michael,
I’m a little confused by this as I can’t find any recent support threads on your account that have gone unanswered. If we have missed your question(s) somewhere then I apologise for the mix up and I’m more than happy work through any issues you may have right now, just send me an email to support@eventespresso.com and I’ll work with you directly.
Within the last 6 months I can find 2 support threads on the forums:
Both of which where answered within 24 hours.
There’s a couple of email threads which are also resolved (I obviously can’t link those here) but again if we’ve missed any additional threads I can investigate if you can add some details of what/when those were opened?
In terms of plugin updates and ‘minimum maintenance on the plugin’ we have a changelog for Event Espresso available here:
With EE5 we re-wrote the ‘Event Editor’ used within EE, part of the reason for that was to accommodate the Recurring Events Manager add-on (which has also since been released), we’ve also updated EE to be PHP8 compatible (which is no mean feat with a codebase as large as ours) along with multiple bugfixes/hotfixes and improvements in that time frame.
I’m sorry you feel this is the bare minimum but none of us at Event Espresso are simply sitting back watching the money roll in, we all live and breath Event Espresso daily with support, patches, testing, features and so on.
Just to keep this thread updated, Michael contacted us directly and we found the issue above is related to us missing an email thread with our sales team (which explains why I couldn’t find it above) and it has now been fixed.
Our apologies for any inconvenience caused here and if you have any further issues or questions just let me know.