• Resolved logicelf


    Hi folks. I’m using the latest versions of WP/Woo/Blocksy and MailPoet. My theme default (and locally served) Google fonts are available in every single block (native, theme, 3rd-party) and extension, except MailPoet. It just doesn’t show them in its dropdown, and setting the form/block font to “theme’s default fonts” just shows a default serif font. MailPoet appears completely unaware of the font(s) set by the theme.

    Does anyone know why this might be happening? Is MailPoet loading theme-enabled fonts in a completely different way to everyone else?


    For clarity: I am aware of the font restrictions inherent in email clients. This relates to subscription forms on the frontend of the site.

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  • Plugin Support kellymetal a11n


    Hi there @logicelf,

    MailPoet has its own functionality that loads Google fonts (for both the Form editor and Email editor), along with settings and a filter to disable loading them: https://kb.mailpoet.com/article/338-enabledisable-3rd-party-libraries

    It looks like currently it doesn’t load other fonts outside of that list though. It would be great if you could add this as a suggestion/enhancement request on our feedback/ideas board here: https://feedback.mailpoet.com

    Our team will take it into account when discussing new features and improvements for the plugin.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter logicelf


    Hi @kellymetal

    Thanks for getting back to me, but (with respect) I fail to see how this is something to be requested as a feature. As I said, these ARE Google fonts (and third-party libraries are enabled in MailPoet, per its default settings) – I’m not asking MailPoet to load anything ‘outside of that list’.

    Literally every other piece of code which renders frontend content can see and use those fonts, with the singular exception of MailPoet. I have to assume, because of this, that the fonts are being registered and loaded in a standards-compliant way – and that for some reason MailPoet is uniquely unable to see and use them.

    Please explain how you believe that MailPoet’s failure to load Google fonts, when third party libraries (specifically including Google fonts) are enabled, is something to be dealt with as a feature request, and not something to be dealt with as a bug?


    Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Hi there @logicelf,

    It’s true that MailPoet only allows a subset of fonts to be used within the plugin. We limit the font selection to a) standard fonts that are supported across all email clients, and b) a small selection of Google Fonts that are generally supported although may not be in all cases.

    All other fonts (including the majority of Google fonts) are blocked to ensure maximum readability for your emails as delivered to your customers.

    More on that here:

    That said, I do understand your point that the sign up form should be able to use a wider range of fonts as it is used only on your site, and not part of what is sent out to your subscribers.

    However, at this time, we do share the same code for the MailPoet form editor as we use for the MailPoet email editor – so this means the same font limitations are enforced on both.

    As it would take new development on MailPoet to write new font selection code for the form editor specifically, we would classify this as a feature request. That’s why the best course of action here is to raise a MailPoet feature request on our feature request board, which our dev team uses to gauge what features would be most popular and useful to our customers.

    You can open a new feature request for this idea on our board here:

    Or if you like, you can add your comment to this existing feature request as it’s in a similar vein, and adding more votes to an existing feature request can help elevate it in priority:

    Thread Starter logicelf


    Hi @lynnjat7

    Thanks for the detailed explanation – I didn’t parse that from @kellymetal’s reply. I’ve raised a feature request for this:


    Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Hi there @logicelf,

    Thanks for making that feature request, where other users of MailPoet can comment and “upvote” its importance. This will help us determine future new development directions on the plugin.

    I’ll go ahead and mark this thread as resolved for now – please keep an eye on future release notes for any new features in this area.

    In the meantime, happy mailing!

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