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  • @chitcher1

    simple text update on a page not associated with my blog

    What does this mean? You get an email notification when a page is updated that isn’t on you blog? Where is the page then? How is it updated and by whom?

    This feature works fine for regular WordPress posts and pages for me.

    Thread Starter Chitcher1


    Hello Mattyrob,
    Thanks for responding!

    Within wordpress i have created a website with several pages. These pages include an about us page, some informational pages, a blog, and a contact section. I would like to have Subscribe2 notify the subscribers when a “post” has been made to the blog. However, i don’t want to notify them when I make a text modifications, or add more content to the other pages(about us page, informational pages etc.)

    This is why i selected the check box at the bottom of these pages to override the notification. When i have it selected and make a change, the auto email is still being fired for that page’s updates.

    So my question is, how can i disable the auto-responder for single pages and limit it to only the blog section of my site? Are there certain tags associated with pages that label a page to send an auto-responder?


    Thanks for the additional information – Subscribe2 only sends emails when a post or page content is ‘transitioned’ from one state (draft for example) to the ‘published’ state.

    So, emails should not be firing for simple updates unless the post state is changed, also they should not fire if that override box is checked and also ‘Pages’ may not be enable to send notifications in the Subscribe2 plugin settings at Subscribe2 -> Settings in the ‘Email Settings’ tab.

    So, are you absolutely sure you don’t have another plugin generating the emails? Have you checked for conflicts and disabled all plugins except Subscribe2 when making a change and see if emails are still generated.

    Thread Starter Chitcher1


    This is a brand new site that i have developed. It has minimal plugin usage as of right now. I am 100% positive it is subscirbe2 sending these notifications as it is subscribe2’s email template that I receive.

    I have everything set to “No” in the email settings except for “Include theme CSS stylesheet in HTML notifications.”

    Here is a link to the site. Feel free to view source.

    Thread Starter Chitcher1



    How exactly are you updating the content? Is it in the admin area or a frontend editor?

    Try using just Subscribe2 alone and see if the issue is still produced.

    Thread Starter Chitcher1


    I’m using the “text editor” within the admin area and then I click update to make the changes live. Just like someone who doesn’t code would do. I’m confused as to why updating a “Page” would trigger an email notification. Its the “Posts” I want to notify people of.

    I’m not sure what you mean to just use Subscribe2 alone. The notification works fine its just notifying me about pages that aren’t necessary.


    I’m not seeing this problem on any of my blogs. I think it might be wise to disable all other plugins on the site and test to see if the issue remains. I think this might be a plugin conflict.

    If it does then try a core theme (like TwentyTen). If not then reactivate one plugin at a time, testing after each one to find the conflicting plugin.

    Thread Starter Chitcher1


    Well Mattyrob I apologize. It was ready graph that was sending the emails. I just deactivated it and everything is fine now. Thanks for dealing with a slightly retarded user! Its always nice to have support!


    That’s useful for me to know, at least I can advise people of this issue in the future.

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