Stuck at 53%
Moving WP from InMotion Reseller To InMotion Regular account. Backup size is 61.15MB. Restore stops at 53% and hasn’t budged. Doesn’t seem to be a way to see if the process has stalled or any way to reset or cancel. How long do I wait?
[STEP] [2022-01-13 19:33:35] Initializing restore process
[STEP] [2022-01-13 19:33:36] Looking for PHP CLI executable file.
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:37] PHP CLI Filename: php
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:37] PHP CLI Version: 7.4.27 (cli)
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:37] PHP CLI Memory limit: 768M/512M
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:37] PHP CLI Execution limit: 0/0
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-13 19:33:37] We properly detected PHP CLI executable file.
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-13 19:33:37] PHP CLI: Restore process initialized, restoring…
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-13 19:33:37] Restore process responded
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-13 19:33:37] Locking migration process
[STEP] [2022-01-13 19:33:37] Initializing restore process
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:37] Backup & Migration version: 1.1.9
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:37] Initializing custom error handler
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:37] Site which will be restored: ***site_url***
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:37] PHP Version: 7.4.27
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:37] WP Version: 5.8.3
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:37] Web server: Not available
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:37] Max execution time (in seconds): 259200
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-13 19:33:37] Restore process initialized successfully.
[STEP] [2022-01-13 19:33:38] Free space checking…
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:38] Checking if there is enough amount of free space
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:38] Requires at least 136202714 bytes. [129.89 MB]
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:38] Disk free space function is not disabled – using it…
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:38] Checking this path/partition: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-13 19:33:38] There is 978,319.28 MB free. [955.39 GB]
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-13 19:33:38] Great! We have enough space.
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-13 19:33:38] Confirmed, there is enough space on the device, checked: 136202714 bytes.
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:38] Making temporary directory
[STEP] [2022-01-13 19:33:38] Scanning archive…
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:38] Scan found 3928 files inside the backup.
[STEP] [2022-01-13 19:33:38] Smart memory calculation…
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:33:38] There is 768 MBs of memory to use
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-13 19:33:38] Setting the safe limit to 83 MB
[STEP] [2022-01-13 19:33:38] Extracting files into temporary directory (this process can take some time)…
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-13 19:34:11] Files extracted…
[STEP] [2022-01-13 19:34:11] Saving wp-config file…
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-13 19:34:11] File wp-config saved
[STEP] [2022-01-13 19:34:11] Getting backup manifest…
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-13 19:34:11] Manifest loaded
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:34:11] Backup Migration version used for that backup: 1.1.9
[STEP] [2022-01-13 19:34:11] Restoring files (this process may take a while)…
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-13 19:34:15] All files restored successfully.
[STEP] [2022-01-13 19:34:15] Converting database files into partial files.
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:34:15] Max rows per query (this site): 300
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:34:15] Max rows per query (source site): 300
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:34:15] Starting conversion of: wpkd_actionscheduler_actions table.
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:34:15] Finished part 1 of wpkd_actionscheduler_actions table.
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:34:15] Finished part 2 of wpkd_actionscheduler_actions table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-13 19:34:15] Finished 1/26 (3.85%): wpkd_actionscheduler_actions table, total of 2 parts.
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:34:15] Starting conversion of: wpkd_actionscheduler_claims table.
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:34:15] Finished part 1 of wpkd_actionscheduler_claims table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-13 19:34:15] Finished 2/26 (7.69%): wpkd_actionscheduler_claims table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:34:15] Starting conversion of: wpkd_actionscheduler_groups table.
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:34:15] Finished part 1 of wpkd_actionscheduler_groups table.
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:34:15] Finished part 2 of wpkd_actionscheduler_groups table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-13 19:34:15] Finished 3/26 (11.54%): wpkd_actionscheduler_groups table, total of 2 parts.
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:34:15] Starting conversion of: wpkd_actionscheduler_logs table.
[INFO] [2022-01-13 19:34:15] Cleaning up contents of wpkd_actionscheduler_logs table.[DOWNLOAD GENERATED] File downloaded on (server time): 2022-01-13 19:42:56
[DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (seconds): 521 seconds ago
[DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (date): 2022-01-13 19:34:15
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